Selling WTS 99 lvl Othell Rogue Elf Male. Not played in...

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Stelios Voutsinakis, 8/20/13.

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  1. Stelios Voutsinakis

    Stelios Voutsinakis
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    WTS 99 lvl Othell Rogue Elf Male. Not played in Lindvior at all, non-migrated account, this means you can change username to your email right away, char was in SilentHorrors clan, has a good name. Gear: Full +3/+4 r99 light armor 120 +3 r99 Accessories set STR hat 1 set of lvl5 STR Dyes. 1 set of lvl3 STR Dyes. Noblesse Skills Enchanted: Shadow Chase +10 Chance, Blood Stab +10 Duel, Heart Breaker +8 Duel, Shadow Hide +4 Time. 1 sub lvl 68 WC. If interested send me message on facebook or ask for skype. Thanks.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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