Selling Accounts on innova core ACCOUNT 1: LV 90 Tyrr...

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy and Sell, 11/25/13.

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  1. Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Accounts on innova core ACCOUNT 1: LV 90 Tyrr Duelist Human Male -Sub lv 74 warcryer -Full twilight heavy set +3 3x60 -Requirem dualsword -Immortal jewels -54kk adena -Immortal heavy set -Some atribute stones and enchant scrolls in warehouse -A lot of other minor stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT 2: LV 88 Dwarf Female Dagger -Dual Class lv 90 Tank -2 Subs lv 80 and 1 lv 79 -NAKED -Some minor stuff in bag and warehouse too --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT 3: LV 88 Healer Female Elf -Not yet re-awakened -NAKED -Some minor stuff in bag and warehouse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT 4: Account with 3 Healers lv 86 elf females -2 of them not re-awakened -NAKED -Some minor stuff in bag and warehouse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    Diogo Fernandes

    Diogo Fernandes
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    How much the account number 2? Tnks
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    Simon Sjk Karlsson

    Simon Sjk Karlsson
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    Pm me! intressed in account Nr.1 thanks =)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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