Sold .

Discussion in 'Battle Camp Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by desspod, 12/18/21.

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  1. desspod

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    Hello people! I'm a former Battle Camp player. I've played for more than 5 yeaears and quit after the pandemic. I sold all my teams and started playing Lords Mobile.

    Anyways I recently logged in to my BC account and saw that package prices for my country are still same. I'm sure you must be thinking "So what!?". Well my country is going through an economic crysis right now. The value of our currency is decreasing rapidly. It might collapse if it goes like this. However, BC hasn't updated it's prices for my country. That means I can buy packages much cheaper than you (in USD). I'm sure soon they'll update package prices but till then I can help you get any package %50 cheaper. I will be having a little commission from our deal. This way I can have some side income. Because when your economy is clashing like this, any foreign currency is a good income.

    So if that interests you, you can pm me to talk in details and decide how to do it. My Line ID is dess49. If you don't have Line, just drop me a message and I'll get back to you.

    Thanks & good game.
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