Selling  Level 80+  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) Vip 16 deposited 200k usd over acc sell

Discussion in 'Top War Battle Game Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yeefddgm, 12/18/21.

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  1. Yeefddgm

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    My Location:
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    I am top war acc seller.
    I got a new strong acc.

    My acc is vip 16.
    This acc is deposited 200k usd over.

    I am middleman. If you see this acc pic, that is my customer’s other middleman. I am not scammer. If you want, i will invite my customer and prove real acc.

    there are many people who don’t believe me. So I add some content.

    I want to selling via paypal or crypto money.

    If you want to buy acc, send money first.

    In any case, I will never send acc first.

    If you want to buy it, DIscord to me.(skdnfl3892#7269)

    Price : 35k usd (can negotiate)

    troop march size without acadia: 211 (main) 204 (sub)

    Server : 900+ (NA server)

    Total base skins : 33 (no count Default/Recruit Trial)

    DMG increase : 87766433221
    DMG decrease : 877443221
    ATK : 876332
    Crit DMG : 55443311
    HP : 76311

    DMG increase : 66665431
    DMG decrease : 6665544331
    ATK : 652
    Crit DMG : 555311
    HP : 6511

    DMG increase : 7766441
    DMG decrease : 66664332211
    ATK : 76511
    Crit DMG : 55443321
    HP : 6542

    Katyusha : 855331
    Bradley : 76443
    Ben : 7
    Prime : 7
    Fahed : 664211

    Villers : 7
    Selina : 7
    Rockfield : 711
    Aya : 7

    Akatora : 66
    914 : 6
    Bailos : 54221

    Amalia : 5
    Kuruzo : 5

    Marck size(R) : 88777766666411
    March size : 777666666644221

    Special Effect
    Elements : 146
    Explosion : 117
    Piercing : 119
    Plasma : 117

    Mastery : Army15/Navy10/AF12
    Suppress : Army86/85 Navy80/80 AF89/91
    Equipment :
    Army : Gold2 Purple3, 2 gold blue print
    AF : Gold1 Purple4, 2 gold blue print
    Component : PVP all10 / WB all10 except 2 at level 9
    Specialized : Army full/Navy 10tier /AF full

    Deco : Full set (except “Giggling Castle”)

    Assault : 12
    Fortified : 10

    5* heros

    full perks : 9
    Hero bond : all done
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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