WTS Dreamwaver account - 2nd rebirth sage psy ( was 104 then 102 and now 101) full r9r3 (pants +8 robe + 8 gloves +9 boots + 8), helm(+8) + cape(10) are g16 , weapon is r9r3 + 11 with 2 gems on it, has 12k hp base!. has all the sage skills and all the passive skills maxed. wings 3.2 speed. g14 +6 cube neck, sky cover +8 ring, love up and down tome. 81 LP genie, and also has 42 mil in the account. theres a 102 bm on this account as well, he has tt99 and nirvy gear (aps build). also has 97 barb in there as well. i want to sell it cuz i have no time to play anymore and its time to move on. send me private msg if u are intrested or u can reply on that post and i will contact u.
Shuvam Dev is a scammer, he got my friend's account and stole her fashions, 82lp genie and other stuffs. Be careful!!