HeaventsTear r9s3+10 blademaster Hello everyone i am willing to sell my blademaster on heaevnts tear server,however its reawakened once and now it is lvl 98 so almost fully reawaken.From gears it has those s3+10 fists with -int s3+8 nirv hat r9s3+10 chest /r8 reroll chest s2+7 nirvana leggings tt 99 ashura boots and bracers +6 lionheart ornaments +6 wtlg robe +5 sign of frost chaos +5 and r9 ring it has s2 nirvana axes but lunar ones +7 if anyone is interested contact me further screenshots http://surrosoft.com/index.php?page=Atta…572029c7192c3b9 http://surrosoft.com/index.php?page...09&h=46d1ea00ee438ec14ced80bf6fd0ad0ae6dd1dc4 http://surrosoft.com/index.php?page...10&h=ebd9c2565edbbdfcae8243dd3688f31cf1302e5a http://surrosoft.com/index.php?page...11&h=1e5e2dcfb9356187394fffbecebc9dbe46b21d99 BOW