Kaptain krunch scam

Discussion in 'Disputes - Resolved Cases' started by Kdglenny, 7/13/15.

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  1. Admin

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    When a party opens a dispute on PlayerUp, our job is to act as a mediator or a judge resolving these conflicts so we handle them in such way as we would if this was a real legal mediation or arbitration/court case. When you aren't truthful during these discussions or hearings, you lose all credibility. Once you lose credibility, it doesn't matter which party is right or wrong, the judge will side with the party that is credible. If this was a court case and you both were in front of a judge, the judge would have likely held you in contempt by now @Kaptain Krunch. That's just my honest opinion of what has gone on through the events that have occurred during this dispute.

    @Kaptain Krunch you maybe denying it but the situation he is explaining above is a common problem and one that we had expected would likely be a problem which is why I asked if the account is an iOS or Android above. You keep claiming the buyer is wrong on every situation and then he turns out to be right.

    As of now, I'm intending to ban you @Kaptain Krunch. Why?
    • You have tried to fraud 3+ members here and likely more
    • You have tried to create multiple accounts exploiting the system
    • You have lied to us a couple times in this ticket alone
    • You keep toying with us here delaying things as long as you can and the reason is clear
    I've been dealing with risk management for over 15 years. It's clear to me what's going on here. It's also clear to me that there is a specific reason why you are actually responding to him. There isn't really much more to discuss. It's clear to me and I think everyone would agree you should be banned.

    That said, as part of dealing with risk management for years, I have learned people make mistakes and that you should at least give the seller a final chance to prove themselves even if they did wrong which they clearly did. So instead of banning you today I am going to give you an opportunity to change your ways and do the right thing. That said, if just one more time we see you delaying things, deceiving anyone, trying to scam someone, then we really have no choice but to ban you.

    I don't want to waste much more time on this. If you can't be honest now with us, then we're going to ban you. Enough is enough. If you can be perfectly honest with me now, I as of now am going to strongly consider giving you a 2nd chance.
  2. Admin

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    Your job now is to clear your devices and prove they have been cleared. Every device. Create a blank account, login to that account, screenshot it, upload it here. Additionally screenshots may apply. We won't provide this account as it's not our responsibility nor for legal reasons would we do this.

    The big thing here is to stop arguing with the other party and resolve his issue which you clearly started. Your credibility has been lost here so if the other party is complaining, we're going to side with them until this is resolved because they have been honest and credible.
  3. collinsclash

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    @Admin Thank you. He is just doing the bare minimum that he can do so he can get the account middleman has. He tried to play me multiple times so I would help him out. All I want is to gain 100% access of my account back.

    @Admin thanks for the help. Wouldnt have been able to get my account back without you.

    All I need now is for Krunch to log out on all devices
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  4. Kaptain Krunch

    Kaptain Krunch
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    I know I've lied, and everything. But I've been logged out of the account on my device for the past week. Ever since I gave him it, even before then I haven't used it. I've been trying to get my account that @Middleman has, which is better then @collinsclash village. There is no reason for me to go on it, I can provide screenshots of all the emails I have linked to my googlemplay, that is the only thing I use. Also @collinsclash told me a while ago his friend was using his village, for all we know its still his friend. I've been honest, at first i didn't know I had his account. But I will provide screenshots of my villages, @Admin start a private convo with me for the pics.
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  5. collinsclash

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    @Admin You have it logged in through iOS. Even with me changing the passwords you can still get on. Compulsive liar you are.

    @Admin Anything we can do?
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  6. Kaptain Krunch

    Kaptain Krunch
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    I do not have iOS devices anywhere near me, so if you want you could even call apple yourself and ask them where the people are located that are logging in/ cause I will gladly give my location and proof that I'm there, just to prove its not me. So @Admin you can decide if he has to call apple or not, because I am not lying and will show proof.
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  7. Admin

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    Like we said, we will take the buyers word here until this issue is resolved.

    You may provide screenshots of your iOS devices @Kaptain Krunch.
  8. collinsclash

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    Then you previously gave the information to somebody, maybe it is on google device. All I know is somebody other than me is connecting. And we are the only 2 people that could possible have access. I don't trust a word you say.

    Provide us screenshots of your iOS devices. And proof that my account is logged out on those iOS devices.
    @Kaptain Krunch End this here. Has gone way too far already. Enough is enough mate.
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  9. Kaptain Krunch

    Kaptain Krunch
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    I ended this already, I have no iOS devices and I don't have your google+ either. And here is my proof Screenshot by Lightshot
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  10. collinsclash

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    You haven't ended anything. You lie, get caught, drag it out, repeat. Somebody is connecting to my village, And we both know it's you Krunch. Connections from Belgium? Explain that one? Want me to post emails on the google account of the other people you tried to scam?
    YOURE A LIAR. @Admin your decision, I can't tolerate the lies anymore
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  11. Kaptain Krunch

    Kaptain Krunch
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    @collinsclash funny how the connections are in Belgium, and I'm located in united states. @Admin even @Middleman has a picture of my ID stating I live in the USA, so now @collinsclash there is your proof that its not me. So quit accusing me of everything, I returned it and your still being an ungrateful prick.
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  12. collinsclash

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    I'm an ungrateful prick? Because you are a low life and stole my village and tried to scam multiple others? HAHAHA. Those connections were in July. They showed up on the email as new login from a device. And it states the area. I have been more than calm throughout this whole process of you lying,manipulating, and dragging on. Don't start with me. You have 0 right to be calling me an ungrateful prick. If anyone is that it would be you. Not satisfied with what you have in your own life so you steal from others? Scum. That's a great reputation Krunch, you wear it well you arrogant waste
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  13. Admin

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    Kaptain Krunch the reason for the wait time here on concluding this is we want to give @collinsclash time to report things back. We personally don't believe you have any intentions to resolve this issue with @collinsclash as you're verbally attacking him when you're the one that started this dispute to begin with when you basically tried to scam him.

    However, during the last week, you once again tried to signup to the website under a different account named @The real BB and it looks like you were trying to pull another scam wasting our time and others. Prior to this, you created another account named @the anonymous. At this point, we don't think you have any intentions to be legitimate.

    I am extending a notice to you here if any additional accounts are registered by you to our website playerup.com and any affiliated website that uses playerup.com contents and system, we will be issuing you a fine between $100 to $1000 for each account you create for being in violation of our Terms of Service. It's simple, don't register to our site again and you won't be fined. Not a hard rule to follow. This rule starts as of any accounts signed up from August 25, 2015 at 6:30 AM EST onwards for the duration of 10 years expiring on August 25, 2025 at 6:30 AM EST.

    We rarely have to fine people but if your intentions are to fraud people then you are leaving us no choice. All fines are then collected through the multiple legal connections we have. In your case, being that you're in the United States, that would be the use of a debt collection agency. Debt collection agencies will of course use their legal approaches to getting the issue resolved which can even involve court. The fines collected are used to repay victims of the reported scams you are intentionally committing. It's not about the money, it's about getting you to stop scamming people.

    Please acknowledge this so we can proceed.
  14. cs

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    Wow this is some crazy love you :p
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  15. Kaptain Krunch

    Kaptain Krunch
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    Okay well he hasn't complained about anything, and is trying to sell the account a allegedly have "access" to. So if he is selling it, it proves I don't have access. And this case should be dropped, I just want my account back. I haven't spoke to anyone, or even done anything besides wait and cooperate.
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  16. Kaptain Krunch

    Kaptain Krunch
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    And also I registered @the anonymous due to me not knowing how to get on to this account, I have not used it since. Once I found out the accounts were merged I never used it. @Admin I want to be legitimate and sell through middleman only, but I haven't had the chance. No one is returning my account, and @Alex Williams received his money back and sold the account that belongs to me. So how is this all fair in anyway?
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  17. collinsclash

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    I just gave up @Admin .. As you said yourself he has no intention to resolve with me. I just accepted the fact that I got shafted. He still plays my account and screws everything.
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  18. Kaptain Krunch

    Kaptain Krunch
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    So if I'm magically still playing you account, why are you attempting to sell it? What are you trying to scam someone? Cause I haven't even played clash since I lost my account, so nice try.
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  19. collinsclash

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    First of all there's 2 accounts. A th9 level 111, and one that's a level 105. If you check my clan, There's a "clash of booty" th 9 level 105. it's not the same one. So check that before you jump to conclusion. Funny you accuse me of trying to be a scam now..
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