Selling Level 16 214k Uridium Goliath - Fortress...

Discussion in 'Dark Orbit Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Torreta Jude, 9/3/13.

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  1. Torreta Jude

    Torreta Jude
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    Level 16 214k Uridium Goliath - Fortress Design(Trade Designs completed) Vengeance - Lightning Design(Trade Designs completed) Leonov SpearHead Generator and Weapons 54 - G3N-7900 Speed Generator 24 - SG3N-B02 Shield Generator 38 - LF-3 Lasers 6 - Lf-4 Lasers(partially upgraded) P.E.T. lvl 9 4 - pet fuel Protocol lvl 3 5 - radar protocol lvl 3 2 - salvage protocol lvl 3 1 - enemy locator lvl 3 1 - Resource locator lvl 3 1 - kamikaze lvl 3 Drones F-07-DI Diamond Formation Design 1 of each Apis and Havoc Design 8 - iris Drone 1 - Apis Drone 1.2 million - laser ammo(total) 7803 - 1x ammo 421759 - 2x ammo 268840 - 3x ammo 244915 - 4x ammo 267283 - SAB 3248 - rapid Salvo 50000 - Job-100 127k - Rockets(total) 13169 - R-310 16043 - PLT-2021 29453 - PLT-2026 382 - Uber-Rocker 7330 - WIZ-X 20997 - SAR-02 4155 - ECO-10 7158 - Birthday Rocket Mines 1605 - ACM-1 147 - Direct Damage mine 66 - Anti-Cloaking Extras 3 - Slot 4 Cpu 3 - Cloaking XL 8 - Cloaking 5 - Targeting Guidance CPU 6 - Rocket Launcher CPu 15 - Jump CPU 2 23 - Drone Repair CPU 2 2 - Armory Upgrade 3 22764 - Xenomit Extras(extras information) 304 - Precision targeter Tech item(one blank Spot) 942 - extra gate spins(partially completed gates) 4164 - repair credits 89 - jump credits 17 - green bootkeys
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    Jay Laizure

    Jay Laizure
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    How much?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. OP
    Torreta Jude

    Torreta Jude
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  4. OP
    Torreta Jude

    Torreta Jude
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    i'm looking at 500-400 bucks
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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