Selling I search a do account with either: Saturn design,...

Discussion in 'Dark Orbit Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Dorin van Maevestin, 9/7/13.

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  1. Dorin van Maevestin

    Dorin van Maevestin
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    I search a do account with either: Saturn design, maxxed bio, or gb1. i dont mind any other offers tough.
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    Andrei Florin

    Andrei Florin
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    DO acc for sale : EG3, lvl 20, 10 LF4, loads of lf3, shield and engines, 9 drones lvl16, full havoc, 3 ship hangars, heart and moth drone form, skylab lvl20, 40 pilot points, 1 mil. ammo,~30k uri, ~300kk credits,Venom&Sentinel goliath design,hades gate opened, clean acc. no ban stage. price 150e little neg.
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    Dorin van Maevestin

    Dorin van Maevestin
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    whats eg 3?
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    Dorin van Maevestin

    Dorin van Maevestin
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    70 euros?
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