Selling 36 Lf4's lvl 16 35pp 6 Havocs, 6 hercules 62speed...

Discussion in 'Dark Orbit Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Anythony Remeriez Orbit, 10/18/13.

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  1. Anythony Remeriez Orbit

    Anythony Remeriez Orbit
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    36 Lf4's lvl 16 35pp 6 Havocs, 6 hercules 62speed gens 7900 34 bo2's only one lvl 16 most are lvl 5 5 hangers goli, vengi, leo, vitadal, ageis goli designs (solace, sentinal, kick, refereee, specrtum, saturn) 2.1b ep 21m honor cheif major mmo level 20 skylab 800,754,443 credits 1.5k uri Usa east i am looking to trade/sale. I would rather trade for a different server ship. Please take this into consideration your ship doesnt have to be better for me to trade. I like to build accounts as well. Just inbox me if you're instrested. Both my other ships got sold. also add me i have stufff on the account in my post
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  2. OP
    Jerome Revels

    Jerome Revels
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    Have GB2 Account And GE2 Acc ...If Interested, I Will Give Acc Details
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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