Sold Selling account 42 mythics 500 Legs 21k turds. OP Disguested Deck.

Discussion in 'Animation Throwdown Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jonishere, 11/8/21.

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  1. jonishere

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    High Risk Status: User has been flagged by the system for one or more reasons. Proceed with caution.

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    Nixons: 190945/500000
    Turds: 17713
    Watts: 20927/25000
    WW: 23421/30000
    Gems: 9732

    Energy Refill +5: 41
    Energy Refill +10: 1
    Arena Refill +5: 10
    Arena Refill +10: 1

    Mythic Stone: 661
    Epic Stone: 550
    Legendary Stone: 786
    Power Stone: 4275
    Mastery Stone: 13400
    Greater Epic Stone: 17111
    Super Mythic Stone: 550
    Mythic Object Stone: 55
    Quad Epic Stone: 2000
    Character Stone: 1500
    Super Legendary Stone: 10105

    Brian Fragment: 5
    Peter Fragment: 65
    Joe Fragment: 25
    Chris Fragment: 65
    Stan Fragment: 50
    Hayley Fragment: 11
    Roger Fragment: 25
    Steve Fragment: 60
    Mini Car Racing Fragment: 5
    Francine Fragment: 30
    Western Lewis Fragment: 15
    Snot Fragment: 90
    Louise Fragment: 115
    Bob Fragment: 154
    Teddy Fragment: 30
    Tina Fragment: 90
    Gene Fragment: 30
    Film Scissors Fragment: 15
    Candy Tornado Fragment: 15
    Kiki Fragment: 15
    Peggy Fragment: 100
    Boomhauer Fragment: 205
    Dale Fragment: 25
    Bobby Fragment: 90
    Heat Packing Priest Fragment: 15
    Bill Fragment: 50
    Leela Fragment: 30
    Professor Farnsworth Fragment: 15
    Bender Fragment: 50
    Fry Fragment: 15
    Amy Fragment: 25
    Zapp Brannigan Fragment: 20
    Hermes Fragment: 5

    Research Speedup +1: 641
    Research Speedup +8: 608
    Research Speedup +24: 193

    Combo Mastery
    Level | Combo | left
    2 | $300 Knife | 0
    2 | Amy's Talking Tattoo | 0
    2 | Anally Defaced | 0
    2 | Assassin Bender | 15
    2 | Bacon Weight | 0
    2 | Bad Tina | 15
    2 | Ballgirl | 0
    2 | Balloon Fight | 5
    2 | Benderbrau | 0
    2 | Billionaire Fry | 5
    2 | Blueberry Delivery Girl | 10
    2 | Burger Wars | 0
    2 | Burgerboss Bob | 0
    2 | Cadet Hill | 0
    2 | Can't Get Clean | 0
    2 | Cham-Pag-En Zapp | 0
    2 | Chex LeMeneux | 0
    2 | Cigarette Addicts | 50
    2 | Clobberella | 0
    2 | Devil Bobby | 0
    2 | Devil Hank | 0
    2 | Diarama Gene | 10
    2 | Doghouse Bobby | 0
    2 | Dojo Joe | 0
    2 | Dr. Bobbenstein | 0
    2 | Drunk Amy | 0
    2 | Drunk Peter | 5
    2 | Duh-Vinci Farnsworth | 5
    2 | Egg vs Tornado | 5
    2 | Fashion Fight | 0
    2 | Flag Defender | 5
    2 | Freezer Burn | 0
    2 | Gaga Ball | 0
    2 | Gut Punch Zapp | 10
    2 | High School Bill | 0
    2 | Home Ec Teacher | 0
    2 | Jealous Bobby | 0
    2 | Junk Food Bill | 0
    2 | Karaoke Zapp | 55
    2 | Lenore the Iguana | 0
    2 | Lobster Wedding | 15
    2 | Lord Griffin | 0
    2 | Magazine Cover Zapp | 0
    2 | Mind Switcher Amy | 10
    2 | Paintball Bill | 0
    2 | Painting Montage Joe | 0
    2 | PQSmooth Peggy | 0
    2 | Psych Meds | 0
    2 | Ricky Spanish | 30
    2 | Scientific Rivals | 5
    2 | Sledding Gene | 5
    2 | Slip 'n Slide Bob | 0
    2 | Solid Gold Tuxedo | 0
    2 | Squirrel Death | 10
    2 | Stressed Out Leela | 0
    2 | The Carnival With Rupert | 0
    2 | The Child Molestor | 0
    2 | Toy Blocks Snot | 0
    2 | Turkey Handprint | 0
    2 | Unsharp Scissors Zapp | 0
    2 | Victorian Knife Lois | 30
    2 | War Horse | 20
    2 | Whale Hunter Amy | 0
    2 | Zapp Figurines | 15
    1 | 4:30 Appointment | 5
    1 | Alley Entertainment | 0
    1 | Ancient Cave Writing | 5
    1 | Another Lousy Millenium | 15
    1 | Art Workshop Linda | 0
    1 | Balloon Tosser | 0
    1 | Beer Snot | 15
    1 | Bender in Love | 5
    1 | BenderIsGreat34 | 15
    1 | Bending School Grad | 15
    1 | Bong Rips Francine | 5
    1 | Boy Witch Steve | 0
    1 | Butt Toucher Tina | 5
    1 | Captain Feathers | 0
    1 | Chainsaw Spider | 15
    1 | Chef Cat Binge | 0
    1 | Chicken Fight | 15
    1 | Chocolate Addict Zapp | 5
    1 | Chosen Brain Fry | 0
    1 | Christmas Punchout | 5
    1 | Christmas Trap | 5
    1 | Clarinet Stan | 0
    1 | Class Spanker | 5
    1 | Claw-Plach | 5
    1 | Country Club Stan | 0
    1 | Coyote Fighter Chris | 15
    1 | Cyclist Peggy | 0
    1 | Dark Arts Tina | 10
    1 | Dating Game Steve | 10
    1 | Death Metal | 10
    1 | Dinner Wine Bob | 0
    1 | Disco Bender | 0
    1 | Dog Bone Stan | 0
    1 | Dolphin Rider Peter | 10
    1 | Douchebag Chris | 15
    1 | Dream Millionaire | 5
    1 | Drunk Fry | 5
    1 | Eggnog Roger | 0
    1 | Empty Bowl Painting | 5
    1 | Fake Son Gene | 0
    1 | Fever Dreams | 15
    1 | Fowl Fighter Teddy | 15
    1 | Fry's Macaroni Art | 15
    1 | Gamer Chris | 15
    1 | Garden Shovel Bobby | 0
    1 | Gatsby Brian | 15
    1 | Greasy Skadootch | 5
    1 | Guinea Pig in Space | 5
    1 | Hayley Potter | 5
    1 | History Report Gene | 0
    1 | Home School Chris | 0
    1 | Horse Rider Tina | 15
    1 | Hunky Killer Louise | 5
    1 | Karate Snot | 20
    1 | Kiss and Clarinet | 0
    1 | Klepto Bender | 0
    1 | Knife Fight Stewie | 15
    1 | Laser Tag Joe | 0
    1 | Let's Go Fart | 5
    1 | Magazine Reader Francine | 0
    1 | Marionette Louise | 15
    1 | Master Robaire | 5
    1 | Meatman Sculptor | 20
    1 | Motivational Poster | 15
    1 | One Man Musical | 5
    1 | Orchestra Snot | 5
    1 | Paddlin' Peggy | 5
    1 | Painting Class Joe | 5
    1 | Power Choir Roger | 5
    1 | Rabid Dale | 5
    1 | Reverse Stink Hold | 15
    1 | Roller Skating Ballad Gene | 10
    1 | S and M Peter | 5
    1 | Santa Bill | 5
    1 | Screen Repairer | 10
    1 | Skating Roger | 0
    1 | Slow Dance Jimmy Jr. | 5
    1 | Snot and Dreidal | 5
    1 | Space Cadet Chris | 5
    1 | Sportsfan Joe | 0
    1 | Stuffington Roger | 0
    1 | Supermodel Roger | 5
    1 | Swole Joe | 5
    1 | Tainted Alamo | 20
    1 | The Billdozer | 5
    1 | The Thinker Ape | 5
    1 | Torah Snot | 5
    1 | Trapeze Bob | 0
    1 | Treasure Hunter Lois | 0
    1 | Umbriel | 15
    1 | Upgraded Hermes | 0
    1 | Video Director Hank | 0
    1 | VIP Cruise | 5
    1 | VR Gaming Bobby | 5
    1 | Will of a Housewife | 5
    1 | Wrestler Amy | 5
    2k char limit exceeded

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  2. TomDelongesNads

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    Interested in buying the account, but why are you being flagged as high risk?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. OP

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    High Risk Status: User has been flagged by the system for one or more reasons. Proceed with caution.

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    My Location:
    I dont know. I tired filling all personal details. I am new to this platfrom. SO maybe thts why?
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