Selling  Strongest C35 in a 1 week old Realm Merge

Discussion in 'War and Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Coodsz, 12/11/21.

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  1. Coodsz

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    This c35 has over 4G resources and that is not including crates!

    It is C37 ready but you just need azurite.

    This castle is the strongest tech/build in the kingdom (1298) and is already cav/mage killer.

    It's got multiple orange 35 gear with crazy stats. LL 46 and almost at 47.

    I can include farms 1xC26 and lots of C19+. You will own the largest farm alliance with 43 lvl 5-4 elite mines. All you do is send the farms out and wait a day.

    You will also be stayed in the strongest alliance (I hope you stay in that alliance)

    For more information about this killer castle (it's got over 350 mage attack and 210 cav attack), you can add my on Line: coodles

    The asking Price is $1800
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