Two kids tried to scam me for 300.

Discussion in 'Disputes - Off Site Scams' started by seclime2b, 12/10/21.

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  1. seclime2b

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    This is a very funny story. Two children tried to scam me for $ 300 (account with 100K Folloverv).

    Day 1-2 (7-8 DEC). They bought two cheap accounts and then tried to get 3 account. I always ask for confirmation for each payment. He changed the source code in the browser and sent me a screenshot. But he forgot about the screenshot should have Fee and other detailed information. I had little time and could not check the payment immediately. As a result, I got a fake screen and sent him an account for 40 euros (10k). I could not return access through the original email, because Instagram. got a bug, and I did not want to spend the time of the correspondence in technical support.

    Day 4 (10 DEC). He wrote to me and apologized. He said that paying 40 euros. I said that this is Okey and we will wait 5 days. But after 10 minutes, the second child wrote me and tried to get 100k account at me for 266 euros. He also sent a fake screen. I understood it immediately. My business partner was offline, so I spent 30 minutes to contact the partner and ask about the availability of payment. The child was very nervous and promised me to block in Playerup. I asked him to prove that the payment is real. I offered TeamViewer / Share Screen From Discord. He refused. As a result, my partner sent me a screenshot that there was no such payment. When I received a screenshot that the payment does not exist, they started to ignore me and the vitoga was blocked from two WhatsApp accounts.

    How did I understand that this is a scam?
    1. Anime on profile photo
    2. Both children had similar age
    3. Screenshot is a fake. He did not have any details about Fee and other informations.

    Dear parents, after reading this information about your children, talk with your children. In childhood, many children do not have brains. I understand it. But education is very important. If today they are trying to scam, then in 2-3 years they are waiting for prison and spoiled life.

    First kid
    Name: Pietro Bari
    Mother - Claudia Bari
    Phone Number/ Whatsapp
    Email: [email protected]
    Discord: shh#6887

    Whatsapp: +393457888999
    Telegram: @iPriMeSSL
    Discord: gixv#4625
    #1 seclime2b, 12/10/21
    Last edited: 12/12/21
  2. OP

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    Premium Pro Status: This user is a Premium Pro Seller Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Sapphire Status: This user has successfully completed 300+ middleman transactions

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    Another attempt
    Discord dzs#4510
    ID 919556823089049621

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