Hello PlayerUp users. I am here to warn you about a possible scammer, @Bwalts_02 . I contacted him through kik to see pictures of the base he offered. In this thread here, he states he has a max th 10 for trade for a max th 9 as he says clashing at th 10 is boring. WTT - th10 for max th9 | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Once I contacted him on k:i:k I showed him pictures of my base. He then showed me pictures of his base. Upon receiving the pictures, i've notice that he has covered the loot and gems of his base. Now why would he do that? Here's the reason. The base was made on a modded/private coc server using Ultrapowa. Now on private servers you can set how many gems and loot you want. It is very easy. Another hint that it is on a private server is there is no "Mail" button under trophy count. On default coc server, there is a mail button, but on private server there is none. Here is the base he showed me As you can see here he has crossed out all the loot and the league trophies and name. The reason for this is moded servers don't have real xp. It is always low like level 9. And the trophies are most likely modded. This is what modded coc Loot looks like. This is why he covered up the loot. Basically this guy is showing fake pictures of base he does not own and fake picture of a fake modded coc base not on the official supercell server. His information: PlayerUp Profile Name: Bwalts_02 http://playerup.com/members/bwalts_02.52664/ K:i:k Messenger name: Bwalts.17 Email: bwalts37@gmail.com Twitter: Brad Walts (@bwalts37) | Twitter CHAT LOG SCREENSHOTS @Admin @Middleman @Disputes @Guznick @Rolan Beware of this dude. He will try to give you a fake base. Please admin suspend this user. I do not want him to claim any victims.
OMG haha he tried that with me. I didn't do it because I thought he was just sending pics of somebody else's base. That's good work.
Yeah. Some new users will think that's a legit base. Haha he even blocked me on k:I:k. I hope @Admin can give this dude a warning or high risk. I don't want him to scam anyone with this