39k battles, 61 , 1890 dmg, 12.5k gold, 17M credits, 1.2M free xp, 36 tier X, 29 prems, 93 in garage

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Blitz Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Blitz Account' started by NandoPIE, 10/13/21.

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  1. NandoPIE

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    My Location:
    Price $:
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    Owner Discord: NandoPIE#1970 (for Q&A if you want)

    Tier X: All americans, grille 15, Jg pz e100, Vk 72, E100, E50 M, Leopard 1, All soviets, All britishs, ho-ri, WZ 113, WZ 121, All frenchs, kranvagn and Progetto 65 + Chieftain mk6 and sheridan missile.

    NOTE: Every single Tier X is fully equiped with camo, Consumables, Provisions, Ammo (60% AP, 30%/35% hEAT and 5%/10% he) and all 9 equipment slots unloked (sheridan missile only has 1 equipment, Rammer/ Calibrated shells).

    tier IX:M V Yoh, KpfP70z , Wt auf Pz IV and 50TP prototyp.

    Tier VIII: T49,T34 (1776), M III Yoh, M6A2E1 EXP, LeKpz M 41 90mm, VK 168.01(P), Lowe, T44-100, IS3 Defender, IS6, IS5, Type 59, FCM T50 t, AMX CDC, P.44 Pantera, Emil 1.

    Tier VII: T29, T28 HTC, Kunze Panzer, LTTB, IS2(1945), SU 152, SU 122 44, FV201 (A45), M4/FL10, Y5 ELC BIS, gravedigger, helsing.

    Tier VI: hellcat, Vk 28.01, Dicker Max, KV 2, KV 1S, SU 100Y, cromwell, AC IV Sentinel, Type 64, ARL 44, Pudel, Y5 Firefly.

    Tier V: Pz. IV gargoyle, Pz. V/IV, Pz. IV Ankou SP, AMX ELC bis, Y5 T34, Scavenger, Nightmare.

    Tier IV: M3 Lee, T40.

    Tier III: Pz III A.

    Tier II: MS 1.

    Tech tree Tier X tanks missing and where they are in the line:

    Maus: (Mauschen Tier IX)
    STb 1: (Type 61 Tier IX)
    WZ 113g FT (WZ 111g FT)
    TVP T 50/51 (T34/100 Tier VII)



    Premiun time in certificates: 64 Days in total (10 day + 14day + 14x 1day+ 67x 9h+ 12x 1h.
    Free XP: 1x 28k + 5x 200.
    Tank Research certificate (all -25%): 2 Tier VII, 2 Tier VIII and 1 Tier IX.
    Outro: 10/100 parts for SU 130 PM and a few extra itens from events.


    1 Lucky Dice Attachment for ISU 152
    5 Legendary camos
    3 Epic camos
    39 Rare camos
    10 Common camos

    2113 Combat XP
    1622 Free XP
    1367 Crew XP
    1143 Credit boosters
    51 gold boosters
    1094 Consumable Cooldown boosters

    400 KpfPz 70 Charms (Already in garage)
    10/100 black Friday Emblems
    425 Splinters.

    All MAXED out

    extra info
    Avatars: 3 premiun, 19 accumulative, 14 special, 7 other, Temporary (No one cares :p )

    Medals: 573 M badges, 1640 Top guns, 2249 high caliber 3917 confederate, 7 raseiniai heroes.

    Tanks with legendary camos: M48 Patton, Chieftain MK.6, FV 215b 183, Progetto 65,LeKpz M 41 90mm, FCM 50 t, AC IV sentinel and KV2.

    Tanks with Rating camo: Sheridan, VK 72, IS4, FV 215b, WZ 113 and T49.

    Tank-o'-Lantern Pumpkin Attachment is UNLOKED for EVERY tank able to use it.

    Clan wars camo (black and blue) and Rising fury camo (black and purple) is available for every tank.

    83% accuracy, 821 average xp per battle, +12k all time Praises / 68 Complains. (career WN8: 2730 ///WN7: 1660)

    This Account has been an active tournament player in FLOOP (Pramo family. Floop is dead btw IMG_20211012_200643.jpg IMG_20211012_200643.jpg ) and _STR8.
    (Was invited for PNCR but had to decline due to unrealesed tank testing at the time.
    IMG_20211012_200643.jpg IMG_20211012_200714.jpg IMG_20211012_200813.jpg IMG_20211012_201115.jpg IMG_20211012_201133.jpg IMG_20211012_201243.jpg IMG_20211012_201311.jpg IMG_20211012_201324.jpg IMG_20211012_201338.jpg IMG_20211012_201402.jpg IMG_20211012_201419.jpg IMG_20211012_201437.jpg IMG_20211012_201454.jpg IMG_20211012_201508.jpg IMG_20211012_201521.jpg IMG_20211012_201537.jpg IMG_20211012_201606.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-02-28-105_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-02-55-891_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-03-02-258_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-03-09-644_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-03-13-212_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-03-23-122_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-03-29-383_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-03-36-222_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-03-40-086_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-03-46-370_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-03-51-080_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-03-59-945_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg Screenshot_2021-10-12-20-04-07-826_net.wargaming.wot.blitz.jpg
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  2. WOT blitz buyer

    WOT blitz buyer
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    Hey could i rent this? or anyone of your accounts?
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  3. OP

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    Since i cannot change the overall thread description, I'm posting an update here with the last modifications i've made in this account being sold.

    +1000 gold (12.5k now), -2M credits ( due to Maus and 60TP bought and both fully equiped. active premiun time will end at december 21 and more boosters in stock.

    Tanks added: Maus, 60TP, and Titan H-N, caernarvon action X, Leopard and Strv m/42
    tanks sold: M V Yoh (Tier 9).

    That's it, Discord contact still the same "NandoPIE#1970", and for now on the account will remaing offline untill it gets sold.

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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