Sold NA Cassi - Vulpin - 46 Mystic - 620+ GS - 60k+ Honor - 325+ SP - Purple Wings

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Liekomgwdfh4x, 11/27/21.

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  1. Liekomgwdfh4x

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    Selling a Mystic on NA server - Caasiopeia Vulpin side
    Account comes with all preorder packages, CBT rewards, twitch drops. Email login.

    Key highlights:

    - 620+ gear score

    - 60,000+ honour

    - 325 skill points

    - T5 Altar lumi

    - T5 drop rate pet

    - T5 xp rate pet

    - T5 premium pet with magnet pull 3

    - Max unlocked inventory slots and material bag

    - Purple Wings

    - Alchemy Expert Grade 3

    - Armour Expert Grade 3

    - T5 House (600/750 to max)

    - 6million gold

    - 45+ safe enhancement tools...

    Read more
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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