Sold High end acc great partners 270m for Poune

Discussion in 'Brutal Age Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DawnedX, 11/27/21.

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  1. DawnedX

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    My Location:
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    Hey there, I am selling my account for $600. I have spent around 2500€ and a lot of time!
    SH: 29
    Power: 270M
    VIP Lvl: 8
    Good partners, nearly full evolved Rex, a lot of T5 units- ready to fight.

    + Comes with server migration ticket
    + peaceful, powerful & organized server
    + Uses Facebook. login, can change your email, phone number and change information yourself after you make the purchase, will work with you to change information if needed.

    Price is $600 or PM me your best offer that you think is fair no low-balling.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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