Greetings, I have been in elo boosting for a long time. I have elo boost service in servers like EU and NA. My main rank is Radiant. I have solo and duo boost service but duo boost has a little high price as you might guess. Boosts usually takes 24-36 hours if you have high elo, but it can take lower than 24 hours if your elo is not high. discord:perseuzzrs#9013 PRICE: IRON1>BRONZE1=4$ LİST BRONZE1>SİLVER1=8$ SİLVER1>GOLD1=12$ GOLD1>PLAT1=15$ PLAT1>DIA1=20$ DIA1>DIA2=15$ DIA2>DIA3=15$ DIA3>IMMO=30$