I am selling my account LEGEND 7 . I HAVE BEEN PLAYED WITH MANY GREAT YOUTUBERS. I MADE THIS ACOUNT IN 2014. SINCE THAT I AM PLAYING. BUT KNOW I DON'T HAVE TIME TO PLAY WITH THIS TANK SO I AM SELLING IT. * TURRETS: Railgun Mk8, Isida Mk8, Firebird Mk7, Hammer Mk7, Thunder Mk8, Smoky Mk7, Twins Mk7, Vulcan Mk7, Freeze Mk3, Ricochet Mk3, Shaft Mk1, Magnum Mk1, Striker Mk1, Gauss Mk1 * HULLS : Hornet Mk7, Viking Mk8, Wasp Mk7, Titan Mk7, Mammoth Mk5, Dictator Mk4, Ares Mk2, Hunter Mk1, Hopper Mk1 * MANY SPECIAL PAINTS LIKE :Spangles, Zombie and many others. Also Chery, Emerald, Loam, Fracture, Nano, Alien and others. * SUPLIES Double Damage : 36000 + ( + = more than) Double Armor : 37000 + Speed Boost : 29000 + Repair Kit : 19000 + mine : 21000 + Gold boxes : 4 protections : almost everything mk7 LIKE : Grizzly (from smoky), Falcon (from railgun), Panther (from twins) and others. *Crystals : 100000 + ( maybe it will grow ) THIS is FANTASTIC TANK BUT I AM HURRING TO SELL IT. IT COST MORE THAN 1100 $ BUT I CAN GIVE SALLE FOR REAL BUYERS. also you can contact with me on this email : [email protected] If you we agree I can make compromises. also I we can agree on best offer