Sold 630+GS Assassin Ontari Andromeda Lvl 47(50 before 48) 500

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Genyse, 11/22/21.

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  1. Genyse

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    Hi, I selling my account with an assassin lvl 47 (50% before lvl48) with 630 GS & 300 skills points, rune attributes -> 21 assault / 12 control / 33fate / 12 support / 12 protection / 48 awakening).
    I have a dummy gmail for the account, so no problem if u want to keep this e-mail. If u need to change, contact the support.
    I have 4 BT +8, 2 PVP item gold +8 with very nice random effect, GOBLIN main weapon gold +8 goldy random effect, 2 accessory PVP (+ 2 in bank for enhancement +1) & 2...

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