Sold Lvl 46 MYSTIC 532 - EU Andromeda Vulpin

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by healkae, 11/19/21.

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  1. healkae

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    WTS Mystic | Level 46 | 532 iLVL
    Server EU Andromeda - Vulpin Faction

    You get full access to the account and email, I am the original owner.

    3x +8 Breakthrough items: chest/pants/offhand/
    3 pvp set +8 purple
    Tier 4 Luminous Altar Blue + Tier 3 Luminous Dragon Blue
    3x Tier 5 runes - 1 with double skill points (bis)
    3x lvl 3 Blue Transc. Runestones (Bash Defense), 1 of them ready to try upgrade
    Pve set in storage
    A few blue and purple Goblin Weapons with decent stats for upgrade

    Read more
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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