Sold Lvl 48 Slayer 614 Andromeda vulpin(blue)

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Carvoeira, 11/18/21.

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  1. Carvoeira

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    WTS 614 iLVL slayer level 48
    2x +8 Breakthrough items chest/offhand
    4 pvp set +5 legendary gloves, +10 Epic pants, +10 epic boots, (+10 legendary Helmet pve) or +8 epic Helmet.
    Tier 5 luminos Hydra Red
    3 mil in gold
    x10 Tier 5 runes - 1 with double skill points (bis)
    Tons of dimensional currency
    God tier pve set in storage.
    Mana level 47
    57k Honor points
    3 mana tree pre-sets
    30 days Summon inventory and merchant
    All packs + costumes from betas + pre-registration
    Top 10 honor (4% pvp dmg and...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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