Sold EU Premium Slayer lvl 46 Sagittarius Vulpin iLVL 488

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BrunokM, 11/18/21.

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  1. BrunokM

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    Greetings Everyone,

    I wish to sell my Elyon Account located in EU server Sagittarius. It's a lvl 46 Slayer with 488.13 Gear score. It has 2 alts (slayers as well).
    I has premium for 42 days still, premium wings + Mounts (one is a bike in the main account, other is a wheeler that is located in the alt).
    The house is at lvl 5 (max is 6) the weapon smiting is advance already a few crafting from being able to craft epic breakthrough items.
    I have 2 lvl 3 lumious: 1 for PVE (fate alter) the...

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