Selling     Epic Seven Global WHALE Account

Discussion in 'Epic Seven Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Epic7 Account' started by rlfalconfan10, 11/17/21.

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  1. rlfalconfan10

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    This account was created Day 1 of Epic Seven's release of the Global server. It has everything you could possibly need to compete at a high level in every PVP mode!

    530+ Level 90 Gear
    Almost all heroes, All RGB heroes obtained, only 11 Moonlight 5* heroes unobtained
    130+ heroes promoted to 6* max awaken
    Almost all 5* artifacts obtained

    Countless currencies and heroes enhanced! This account has been played religiously since release so honestly can't list them all here and any content in this game can ben auto'd handled easily due to the amount of time dedication put forth here since day 1.

    I have spent multiple thousand dollars on this game but my heart isnt in it anymore and I hope someone can take it over and have the account reach new heights!

    You can ping me on discord at Loptous#8085 and I will be glad to do a walkthrough with you and answer any questions you may have. Screenshot_2021.11.17_08.30.59.656.png

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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