BEFORE BUYING CONTACT ME ON DISCORD Sweet#7729 HoT 4/4 HoR 4/4 (Welt and Ana both available) HoV 4/4 HoS 3/4 (only missing Empyrea Phoenix B) HoF 1/4 (Weapon + Lee TB + Thales M) SN 4/4 Elysia 4/4 VKE 4/4 (Utu + Lee/Thales) DA 3/4 (only missing Shake B) AKA 4/4 (Ana) Mobius 1/4 (Weapon + Monet T + Goemon MB) AE 4/4 FR 4/4 CH 4/4 (Gustav TM + Newton B) Haxxor Bunny 3/4 (only missing Turganev T) Fischl 2/4 (missing weapon and Zhenyi T) SA 2/4 (can be completed with next patch Battle Pass) BB 4/4 (blood dance + JST + Newton B) Only Missing Valkyries: Starchasm Nyx Bright Knight Excelsis Account is binded to old mihoyo login + facebook (I will unbind phone and email) I will give all the login details you need