Sold C40, T5, VIP 10, STP 182k+ waiting for offers

Discussion in 'Infinity Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dangi, 11/13/21.

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  1. Dangi

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    Hello everyone. im a bit tired from game so want to sell my main acc with two farms on it.
    S78. Really nice and alive ballanced server, with great and kind players.
    I have:
    2 Farms c30 and c21
    VIP 10 (177k\250k)
    Total power - 980k ( never was higher than 1 mil)
    castle lvl 40
    academy lvl 40
    tok lvl 40
    5\6 dwellings lvl 40
    rss buildings all lvl 30 excepet needed lvl 40
    T5 troops (bowmen,shieldmen, cavalry). Spearen barrack lvl 38
    wishing fountain lvl 40
    Nobility lvl Marquise 4 (its lower on...

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