Selling  High End EU Central | Level 60 Syndicate 559 GS | Voidbent Ingot | Epic Mats | 7k+ Gold | High Watermark

Discussion in 'The New World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by robert mir, 11/12/21.

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  1. robert mir

    robert mir
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    The character has 3 houses, Windsward, Brightwood (both Tier1) and Everfall (Tier 4) with a total of 3 extra chests. Has alot of rare mats worth alot of gold, including 1 Voidbent Ingot, also has enough materials to craft 1 piece of Legendary gear with it. Alot of titles including "Owner of Monarch's Bluffs".

    The character also has a max mining luck % set, max skinning % set and max harvesting % set and also a fire staff/rapier with full intelect set for an attribute respec also around ~560 Gearscore.

    The watermark currently is almost at max too, with armor pieces dropping between 581-591 and weapons dropping at 555-570.

    Character is located on Bifrost currently but transfer is available so you can move it anywhere you wish.
    For any detail please dont hesitate to contact me here or on discord at KEIRAL#5997

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