Account can run EP3 and Armatrix LR-50, can pretty much hunt about anything of course some mobs require a healer if too high or different type of armor and plates for protection. Currently has Adj nemesis(2.5k ped value, it is tiered up 2-3) and 5b(500+ ped value) + 5a(300+ ped value) complete plate sets for armor. So you can hunt robots or monsters, there is currently 350 ped TT worth of oils and components just random hunting loot as well as 200 ped worth of shrapnel if you want to hunt. Currently have a few guns and amps have 2 hunnir laser sights and a longrach 4 scope. Hunting wise you are covered also has a Quad-Wing Interceptor full of gas, Regen Chip 6 UL and a L Teleportation Chip with mind essence and synthetic mind essense for both. Has a matching coat worth 120ped after MU, as well as a Adj Athenic ring worth 260+ ped and Ares Ring L. Going to ask for $600 to make up for the fees this website will take upon sale, also feel this is a good price for what is being given.
Over 4,380 Ped of value in items if you were to sell everything in the account you will get a little over or under that amount depending on how you sell. So that's $438 in item value alone, not considering the cost it takes to get accounts current levels.