Selling  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) TGM 472m account for sale + 3 extras alts accounts

Discussion in 'The Grand Mafia TGM Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FoodSe, 11/1/21.

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  1. FoodSe

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    Selling a very well established 472m account build from scratch belong to me, because I can not play often anymore due to real life activities.
    At this moment it has:
    -2.18m wall durability, t4 traps
    -5.4M troops including 2.5M t4s, 1.7M t3s, 900k t2s and 300k t1 biker for farming
    -Faction Coins: 14.64 M
    -Speed-Ups: 20 days general, 89 days healing, 187days wall.
    Tasks: 2034 unused family tasks and 1318 unused faction tasks. 300k to VIP 15.

    GEARS: Combat set of 4 Elite God Father, 3 Grand King and 1 Elite King. Extra set of 3 elite kings.
    Challenger set consists of 3 elites and 3 rare.
    Investor set All Grand.
    Architect Set 4 Grand and 2 Elites.

    JEWELS: 15 gold attack jewels, 2 Gold Godfather HP, Rest are Elites Attack.
    Extra Jewels: 1 Gold of each Bruiser Hitman and Biker HP Jewels, 4 Gold Bruiser Def Jewels, 4 Gold Hitman Def Jewels, 3 Gold Biker Def jewels, 6 Gold trap attack jewels, and many more.. too many.

    Investment Center: MAX on Economy, Defenses, Crew, KP, and Equipment.
    Adv. Defense 97%, Adv. Crew: 89%, Formation: 83%, Casino: 85%, Babes 46%, City Hall 50%

    -Premium: - 12 IR, 96 DR, 687 RR, 13 GW admission tickets, 2 death syrups, 1 execution order.
    - 1,734M worth of stamina for KP, more than 30 GB, 67 level 5 and 4 traitor HO and many many more.
    -RSS: 4,2B cash, 1,7B arms, 1,7B cargos, 1,5B metals, 700M diamonds in the reserves and 500m open.
    -Speed Boost:19 of 24 hours 50% Rob boost, 12 of 7 days 50% rob boost, 1 of 100% rob boost, 63 of 25% turbo, 8 of 50% turbo and 4 of 75% turbo. 5 of 10% cons boost and 5 of 20% training boost.
    -Combat: Bubbles 4H: 126, 8H: 400, 1D: 248, 3D:28
    Anti Recon 4H: 505, 8H: 277, 1D: 269
    Disinformation x2 8H:94, 24H: 397
    Crew Att Boost 20%: 415, 50%: 15, 70%:1
    Crew Def boost 20%: 399
    Crew size Boost 20%: 5, 60%: 2
    -Crates: Hundreds of family and gear crates ranging from rare to grands, 20-90 of each KP crates and many more.

    All buildings are level 25 with 15 hospitals. 4 babes are MAXED only Joanna left, Talents are mostly level 8 or 9 with 5 already MAXED including investment.

    NOT ONLY THAT BUT YOU WILL GET 3 EXTRAS ACCOUNTS, 1 account is a good established 81m with 1,5m t3 and 1.2Billions DIAMONDS in it, 1 other is 17m account all diamonds labs only for farming, and last one is 27m account can be used for feeding/UB trapping or anything. All accounts have hundreds millions of RSS and more than 100K gold.

    SERIOUS BUYER only, you will not regret it, honest seller.
    THANK YOU :)
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