Sold EU1 Slayer Lvl46+ 500+ GS

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Erzbengel, 10/30/21.

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  1. Erzbengel

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    Since the friends I was planning on playing with decided to quit I decided to now sell my account.

    The Acc has 1 character on EU1 Andromeda which is a lvl 46+ Slayer. The Acc has 2 of the preoder packs AND has a blessed Luminus.

    Current Gear Score is somewhere around 490-510 and will keep on rising till the acc is sold. Furthermore the Account currently has more than 3m gold on it, as well as over 10mil in items. For further info just dm me.

    Note: Highest Offer so far was 250€. Looking...

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