I’m selling my whale duel links account and I have don’t the time nor energy to play anymore. 3x Book of Moon & other staples etc. 2x UR Dream tickets are available. All Meta Decks 2017-2021. All Characters MAXED. Contact me if you are interested. (Once payment has been made, I will give you login details on the account) Offers: Paypal F&F/ Itunes giftcards NO Scammers. Discord: Many#2128 Decks (If you manage to DM): D/D/D; Odd Eyes; Witchcraft; Darklords; Heroes; Blue Eyes; Harpies; Trimaids; Red Eyes; Dark Magician; Otomata/Gagaga; Invoked; Cyber; Subterror; Gaia; Water XYZ; etc.