Been playing since around October 2019, not playing anymore since it got boring. Don't have much of recent seasons but the old ones are almost all completed! Currently logged in with Game center so you can link the acc with a mail. Here is what I have, you can skip to the photos if you want: ALL CONSTELLATIONS COMPLETED + ELDERS (Apart from lvl 2 capes) Special events collectibles I have: DAYS OF FEAST Holly pendant DAYS OF LOVE Flower mask DAYS OF BLOOM Days of bloom hair DAYS OF RAINBOW ‘’ Braid DAYS OF SKY 2nd anniversary hat SEASONS cosmetics: UG= Ultimate gift GRATITUDE Fox mask Weasel mask Sassy stance LIGHTSEEKERS Piggyback lvl 2 Double five mask Laidback Pioneer Mask Upgraded piggyback hair Upgraded double five hair Non glowing petal cape Flower cape Flute BELONGING (Completed) PASS PENDANT UG BONFIRE! RHYTHM PASS PENDANT UG MASK! Everything apart from Owl hair (I was too poor to get it) ENCHANTMENT (Completed) PASS PENDANT UG EARRINGS! UG HAT! SANCTUARY Only have Rallying thrill seekers hair PROPHECY Only have Prophet of earth hair Prophet of air hair Spider animal cape DREAMS PASS PENDANT UG PHOENIX MASK! Everything apart from: Phoenix cape, Black fur cape, Journey cape, Rabbit mask, Quail mask ASSEMBLY PASS PENDANT UG ASSEMBLY MASK! UG POT! Green teardrop cape Eyepatch mask Triangle on forehead mask Spotlight prop Torch prop LITTLE PRINCE Sneezing Geographer Contact me if interested or for more info: Crepes#4803