Sold Account with many 5 Stars (summer Akeha/Fio/Rion, A2, 2B, 2P, a. Noelle + more

Discussion in 'Nier Reincarnation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Levania, 10/19/21.

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  1. Levania

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    I'm selling my nier reincarnation account with 90k battle power and a lot of good 4* characters, such as:

    -Anniversary Noelle
    -Anniversary Argo
    -Anniversary Griff
    -Abstract Griff
    -Abstract Gayle
    -Abstract Rion
    -Abstract Dimos
    -Abstract Akeha
    -Summer Akeha
    -Summer Fio
    -Summer Rion
    -Intoner Fio
    -World Ender
    -Mechanical Fio
    -Mechanical Rion

    Theres probably one or two I forgot, but thats mostly what it holds, a lot of 4 star / 5 star evolved weapons, all...

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