Yep like tittle says, I have free account aka froob buffing toons for sale at 30 USD per account. If you're looking to try Anarchy Online from scratch, or want a buffer for your existing accounts, these come in handy for a game with such wast ability to improve a character by tweaking your equipment. Thoses buffing toons (could do TS , they have spare ip) are aviable only on RK2. I will list some of the most important nanos the character is able to self cast.(yeah i did just copy/paste someone els since it's likely the same deal ... i feel horribel , hope it's ok :s All composite expertise/boost Agent nanos: Enchanced Senses Feline Grace Unexpected Attack Take the Shot Doctor nanos: Superior First Aid Iron Circle Engineer nanos: Extreme Prejudice #-Physicist nanos: All Mochams All Infuses All Masteries All Teachings Mocham's Neural Interface-Web Calling of Curatem The Grand (level 169 heal pet) Soldier nanos: Riot Control Offensive Steamroller Reactive Reflective Field (Extended) Enforcer nanos: Essence of Behemoth Prodigious Strength Fixer nanos: Gridspace Freedom Trader nanos: 131/132 Wrangles 500 Lend Nano All Five Maestros (+125 Tradeskill buffs) Contact me on at [email protected]