Selling The Progenitor Account

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DMarius, 8/2/15.

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  1. DMarius

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    Hi, I want to sell my Old Republic Account. I have a Jedi Sentinel lvl 60, Vanguard Trooper lvl 18, Jedi Shadow lvl 18, Sith Sorcerer lvl 35, Sith Marauder lvl 38, Mercenary lvl 21. The account has a lot of cartel items (armours and a purple pvp color crystal) also benefits like unify colors, display tittles, legacy surname, etc. The Jedi Sentinel has around 600k credits. It has Shadow os Revan Purchased and 9 Cartel Coins. Server is The Progenitor EU.

    Contact me and I will show you the account.

    My skype: DMarius - eddie_rodriguez2

    I'm asking for 60€ (We can negotiate)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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