I've recently had to temporarily close my thread, because she's spamming it accusing me of scamming her (Which I haven't done.) So firstly I'd like to ask for my thread and her thread to be removed over IMVU accounts, I've sold multiple other accounts and had 0 problems and it only prevents me from being able to sell anything else. I have attempted to message the person to see if there were any issues I could settle yet I've not received any reply only constant spam. Please get these two posts removed until the accuser ceases their spam Thank you so much for the help! Truly trying to attempt to help the issue to the best of my ability. So, in turn of lack of reply from the person, and their not able of accessing the account. I simply just gave them a replacement account of higher value, by a year and +30$ into the account. It's in messages if proof required. But I'd still very much like the threads, my own and her accusation thread removed. Thank you!