wts rk2 account completly loaded has the parasite helmet upgrade package every toon u roll ever gets a parasite helmet instant grids, xp constructs,and a jetpack and 10 more ip resets and some other kewl stuff 1st toon is a 210+ mp perfect huds/utils/masterpiece bracer-db3 bracer great mp just needs some ai armor and ur set has all nessesary ofab lots of nodrops bazzits done great char to get started. 2nd is a 170/20 trader again lots of stuff just needs ai armor and its set to go! not looking to get much will take 5b or a set of 300 cc or css post here or add me on setnaz123 or emotroll@ - - - Updated - - - forgot to mention i also have a rk1 agent lvl 214 equip is meh but has arid done along with all his beta symbs in a bag! also a decent starting acc.... will take 2b on rk2 for this one