Exploiting @Sorvi is replying messages to bump his own topics and spamming repeated threads

Discussion in 'Disputes - Banned Scammers' started by QLC, 3/23/20.

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  1. OP

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    LOL I have replies in my own threads, but I publish all of them instantly, because are different templates I have in the documents and I copy and paste the text, by this way when I update these sections is much more easy, like when I update my lists of accounts for sale, then I edit the message and I select all the message and I do paste there to update faster, so is only for my organisation, and this is 100% allowed and correct, as are replies with tens of paragraph of text, is not a single pic like you, or a simple word like "updated" my replies are correct, your replies are gainst the rule of this forum.

    The only thing you know is insult and say fake things, find friends who help you to say fake things and nothing more.

    So if you want bump your messages use the "Bump" button, don't publish a image pic or don't say "update" or don't say "up" or don't say anything with any sense with the only purpose to get another extra free bump. You are exploiting the bump system, so you deserve minimum a warning, if not a ban.

    You are a platinum, maybe you have 800 feedbacks but your sales here are less than a third part of these feedbacks, as you are applying some method to assure the buyers put a feedback, if I had a feedback for every owner and buyer I would have 900 feedbacks, but most of them not do that, currently almost 50% of my feedbacks are from Middleman, and if I do business out of this site is something allowed, I can do 99,99% of the business out of this site if I want, currently in all threads I have a Middleman listing, last sale 3 days ago for example, last 2 days also my costumers tried do payment by PlayerUp but they had problems with Google Play and Visa, but they tried, I will get a moment where probably I will be doing 1 or 2 sales per day throught PlayerUp Middleman as soon I will offer the same service in other games and I will have much more accounts for sale here, now is only 30 threads, but another 50 are coming, soon will be 200 threads in SWGoH forum and more in other forums, so will be easy get 1 per day I convinced everyone to use PlayerUp Middleman listing in all threads, also if they need wait 2 weeks to receive the money, few weeks ago I had 25% of them that not wanted use a listing, but now 100% are using it, so is the choose of the buyer if wants pay it by PlayerUp or other methods, is 100% allowed do it, also in Epic, is not allowed on PlayerAuc for example, but in this site is allowed and is the correct thing.

    But the thing is not allowed in the SWGoH forum is answer your own threads with the only purpose to bump threads. This thing in this forum is 100% illegal and you will be warned and banned if you continue doing it. I hope you at least get (1) warning point in your profile, as is very deserved, @Hulk warned you few time ago and you not learned:


    So if @Hulk said this thing, and you do it again, what you deserve? LOL

    I would suggest the last thing Hulk said, remove him the option to bump threads.
  2. Sorvi

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    Tons of bla bla bla with ugly attempt to ask a warning as usual , nice

    My Warning won’t change the fact that you are cheater and just envious clown who can’t compete in a fair play
  3. OP

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  4. Sorvi

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    Dont even try , clown

    its only you who spamming forum with 35+ threads

    and this is only you who repling to own threads on a daily basis

    its visible for everyone

    to @Hulk

    that cheater reached me out several days ago and was trying to make me decrease my activity


    i refused


    as you can see he trying to manage my activity

    so today he started to bump his threads by copypasting same message as an answer to all his threads and when i did the same he came here to cry a river
    #24 Sorvi, 9/22/21
    Last edited: 9/22/21
  5. OP

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    Nope, I offered you to have always 10 threads in the top, and then 30 of my threads next, which is very fair offer, but you rejected, so now simply I will bump my threads every 5 minutes :laughing: and if is allowed put a pic to bump the threads, then I will do the same, every 3 seconds 1 of threads will be bumped, during all the day, and I will have 50.000 posts saying "up" or with a pic of General Kenobi :laughing: if is allowed the pics but not the "up".

    You are not a normal person, but a normal person like @Hulk will see you are destroying the rules of this site continuosly, already you got banned because of multiple reasons, like say your buyers not use Middleman, like multiple accounts, like fake feedbacks to other sellers with your Russian friends (like absolutone) or multiple accounts, you got warned because of say "up" by @Hulk few time ago, also @Ryan said you are doing it wrong, you accused @Ryan about bump his treads with "up" when he is bumping a message about how to prevent scams which is ridiculous :laughing: you are continuosly trying to harm the other sellers.

    I don't care about your activity, I think there are enough accounts in this game for both to not be needed a competition. If is a competition, I will win, so don't try it. You should be enough grateful with me, because your activity is basically a copy of my activity, like your copy&paste about the hoard accounts :laughing: and I don't care, you can sell all accounts and hoard accounts you want, simply respect the rules and bump 5 times per day and thread.

    If you do it again, I will do it 3 times more than you, all you will do from now, I will do it 3 times more than you, you bump 4 threads, I will bum 12, you say "up" in 10 threads, I will say "up" in 30 threads. This is my plan from now, unless some moderator sends a warning to you to stop it.

    This is very simple, @Hulk said you stop to bump threads saying "up", puc a pic without any text or say "update" is the same stupid thing:


    So you not learned, you deserve a warning point (1) in your profile and if you do it again you deserve a ban.

    They don't need be worried about if they ban Sorvi then they will stop to get money of swgoh sold accounts, as I can sell all the accounts as Sorvi is selling, and much more, because he is saying he not published all accounts at same time so is harming the players who want sell with a waiting list:


    So basically he is saying to the owners "I only want 20 accounts by this way I put them more expensive and I get more profit with my expensive 20% fee to help to sell accounts" :laughing:

    So he has 45 players waiting for the help to sell their accounts, instead of publish them. This is not good for PlayerUp, if their accounts are not published they will go to Epic or PlayerAuct and publish there the accounts if they are not receiving help here.

    I prefer help 200 players at same time and if the accounts are cheaper because of it, this is good for the buyers, maybe worse for the sellers, but good for the buyers and the market, as will be much more accounts being sold, I sold much more accounts these days with 70 accounts in list, with 30 threads, than when I had 30 accounts in list and 15 threads lol or much more than when I only had the list without threads, so is money that PlayerUp is getting, maybe not all my sales are in PlayerUp as sometimes there is problems like yesterday with Google Play and VISA, 2 sales lost for PlayerUp because of it, and other times because the users prefer use other paymetns simply, maybe on Russia where PayPal not works well the only way is use PlayerUp, receive it by Wise and send a bank transfer to the owner, but in my country, Spain, works well all methods. Now with PlayerUp on my Discord helped me to improve the payments, to not delay 3-5 weeks to receive the money, as a lot of people not want wait that long. If PlayerUp helps me to receive quickly the money, I can sell all the Sorvi accounts easily, so if is banned will not be a problem, and if they do it, from then I will start to do all transactions only by PlayerUp, without the option of use other methods =D meanwhile I will do them where the buyers prefer, they choose, not me. When they choose PlayerUp, like 3 times in last 3 days, they use it and I not have any problem, but if is the only option will be needed for them always use it, but until is not solved problems like guys like Sorvi disturbing with the bumps I will be doing the same than last 4-5 years.

    So this guy is not helping a lot PlayerUp at the end, as prefers only help 20 players and get more profit because the accounts are more expensive, as his fee is 20% and there is less accounts for sale, than help 65 players.

    I prefer help 200 players and if they sell their accounts at 850 USD instead of 1000 USD maybe they get 150 USD less but will generate much more buyers. So his strategy is very bad for PlayerUp.

    Maybe is a guy that do sales, but nothing that I cannot do.

    So if he is constantly disturbing other sellers with bumps "up", "update", "pic" and other slly things, and is banned, PlayerUp will get the same money or more than without him.

    If he starts to respect other sellers and the rules of the forum, I don't care, if he stops usually I not check anything about his activity, the most probably thing is that when I have 100 or 200 threads I will put automatic bump directly, as is boring bump manually, every 5 minutes a thread will be bumped automatically, so I will not be checking what is he doing like he does constantly, here an example about him watching my thread, like all the day:


    So he is a guy who is continuosly checking what is doing other sellers. If I bump 2 threads, he bumps 2 threads :laughing: 5 minutes later maximum, he is refreshing the website every 5 minutes to see if some seller bumped his threads.

    I told him I don't care if he has 10 threads in the top, or also 15, if he lets me have all other spots in the first page. When he bump 10 threads, I bump 20 and he bumps another 10, I stop to bump as I don't care, is good enough, simply I want visibility in the first page. I think I will solve it with automatic bumps simply, as if I have 100 threads and I put automatic, every 5 minutes a thread will be bumped lol and when I have 200 threads, every 2 minutes automatically a thread will be bumped, so he will lose the battle automatically.

    But if he starts with things like "up", "update", "pic", then I will also do the same and every 3 seconds I will bump a thread and all threads of first 3 pages will be mine. Logically I not want do it, as I not want harm other sellers, if I see Nemunas for example, who is a seller as good or better than Sorvi, in my opinion much more better, with protection better methods and respecting other sellers, when he bumps 10-15 threads and he is in the top I don't care, I not bump again my threads like he does, if he has 10 threads in the top and the other 35 are mine, is good enough, I don't need put Nemunas in the bottom or in the second page, and neither when other sellers bump their threads, I saw Sorvi bumping his threads also when 3 or 4 anonymous sellers bumped their threads, as he wants always be in the first 3 spots :laughing: very crazy mentality this guy.

    The best here is respect the rest of sellers. I thought bump my threads in 2 parts, half and half, 5 times per day, so 10 bumps per day is enough, but it seems he not wants respect it. Then from now I will use automatic bumps and you will see a bump every 5 minutes and soon a bump every 2 minutes :laughing: And I will put my list of accounts on all threads in the title and a message in all replies to be sure everyone know all accounts I'm selling. If you want a war, let's start the war.

    But the free 5 bumps per day is not a negotiation, you can call me fake things, like cheater, scammer or all you want, but nothing will change that the rule is 5 bumps per day and thread. If you respect it, you can bump your threads when you want, good luck with the battle against my automatic bumps :laughing: I will be in the beach while you are bumping threads against my automatic bumps lol I don't need do a bumps battle, I will put them automatic and I don't need do anything during all the day about it. But if you want do them manually, you have 5 bumps, nothing more, not 5 bumps and another extra saying "up", then another extra saying "updated" 15 days after the last edition and another one with a pic where you say you are very safe seller :laughing: is 5 bumps, not 8 bumps. If you do extra bumps, then I will do infinite bumps in my threads, but logically normal persons like @Hulk will warm you when they answer this thread and you will stop to do it, as this will be the second warning about the same thing, so at third time you will be banned.

    So I prefer a warning point (1) in the Sorvi profile and stop this silly thing about extra bumps not allowed. You are trying prevent the warning, but is not possible, you did it again, the same thing that @Hulk said you is not allowed, exactly the same or worse, so you deserve a warning and next time a ban. Is not needed say nothing more. And now put your typical answer saying "bla bla bla you are a cheater" is the only thing you know to say, but the real thing is you are exploiting the bumps system so you deserve a warning, nothing more you can say is important :laughing:
    #25 QLC, 9/22/21
    Last edited: 9/22/21
  6. Sorvi

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    so funny to see how is burning your a-ss and how many time you are ready to spend on an ugly attempts to ask for any restrictions from mods to me LOL. You are just a stupid envious clown

    and yes, you are the ingame cheater , more and more people starting to know about your little secret


    thats why you were banned from the biggest SWGOH discord selling buying server


    Im done answering to you, cheater, you can do whatever you want but you will never be where I am
  7. OP

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    if you continue sending fake pics you edited with Photoshop, I will report you and you will get banned, because once is applied your first warning in first hours or day when @Hulk appears here, the thing you are saying fake things against other sellers is not allowed, so would be the second warning and a ban :laughing: so you can continue if you want, by this way I will have a good way to get your ban.

    You got the ban on the Discord sever with that fake Photoshop pic, because are people not very intelligent that they believe things did with Photoshop, but I'm there with another user, so I don't care, I will continue contacting people there when I want :laughing: I not use it a lot, but, as is a little bad server, not very useful to get good people, but if I need it I will use it. The only thing you got with that fake report is make me lose 5 seconds to invite my other account in the server :laughing: so congratulations to make me lose 5 seconds.

    If you think your fake is true, then send here the link with the Google cache as you said with your second account absolutone2 If you are saying that I deleted the thread there, then post the Google caché website, to at least show some proof. Everyone can see in my streamings how I not use any cheat program in my BlueStacks, since weeks ago these videos are published in my thread, and since a lot of months ago is published my guide about how to solo HSTR with SLKR, so I not have any reason to use cheats :laughing: and I am moderator in the "Starting Guide SWGoH" Discord server, important for new players, I help the Capital Games admins to ban cheaters, I have a constant contact with CG_Leaviathan and CG_LuciffersDaddy, I can do a video showing all my conversations with them banning cheaters in the new servers :laughing:

    So your try to harm me is useless and only will harm yourself, is very boring, so next time you say it, automatically will be reported to @Hulk @Ryan @Rolan @Help @Middleman @Support and all possible options, I mention all to check if someone help here to put your deserved warning as minimum, if not a limitation of your ability to bump threads or to publish replies at least, I think is very deserved at least not allow you publish replies, they can do it :laughing: so you deserve it. And if you continue saying fake things that you cannot demonstrate with a link, things you only demonstrate with Photoshop, then you will be reported because you are insulting saying "clown" and other things, and worst is that you are trying harm other sellers with fake Photoshop pics, without links that demonstrate it, so it is a direct warning and would be your second warning, so you deserve a ban.
  8. Hulk

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    It's possible we can put restrictions on the ability to bump reply posts in this SWGOH Sections. It's currently only set in specific forums where users spam bump constantly forcing us to set rules.
  9. OP

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    Well if is not possible put restrictions in the swgoh forum at least be sure Sorvi respect the rules in the swgoh forum and stop to exploit the system with a single pic to have an extra free bump or saying "updated" 15 days later than he did that update lol For me would be very easy publish a pic or say "up" in my threads and bump a thread every 3 seconds, or do the same than him and do 20 bumps per thread and day and be always in the top, but I want respect other sellers also like Nemunas and others, so I simply use my 5 bumps per day and nothing more, he should do the same.


    You said him this is not allowed and he did it again, so at least I think that deserves a warning because of it.
    #29 QLC, 9/26/21
    Last edited: 9/26/21
  10. OP

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    @Hulk I remember the sequence, I reported him because of these bumps:


    It was on 3/29/20

    And you replied:


    It was on 3/30/20

    And now he found another way to bump his threads and have 2 free extra bumps per day:


    The "Updated" he says it 15 days after than the first post has been updated, so is ridiculous.

    Also if you do an update you don't need say it, you can simply edit the first message and when the new potential buyers see it they will see it already updated, there are not people continuosly checking the post for if there is some update. I update contantly my threads and I not say "updated" after every new thing I change.

    And the second, publish a single pic which already is published in the first message, is a nonsense, is repeat a same pic, so he simply is trying to have extra bumps because he wants be in the top of the forum, but as has less threads than me doesn't like have less visibility than me lol You can see an example here:


    So I thought was better report it here than do the same than him, as I not want harm other sellers like he does, he wants be in the top always, is refreshing the page every 5 minutes and if see 2 bumps of some guy he bump again lol which is legal if you use your 5 free bumps, but is a demonstration that he is very interested to keep the top, also if is needed do illegal things like say "up" or say "updated" 15 days later or publish a repeated pic.
  11. SupercellShop

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    why am i getting notifications for this?
  12. OP

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    You answered one time, check the first page lol to stop to receive press in the top on "Unwatch Who's Watching: 5 ".
  13. OP

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    @Hulk @Ryan @Help @Rolan

    Sorvi found a new way to disturb the forum :laughing:

    Now is publish a list by 1 USD, which is not legal, not allowed by the rules, as this is spam, he is not selling anything there by 1 USD, which is against the rules about publish different prices. The only purpose about these threads is spam his accounts.

    Furthermore is publishing 2 times (2 threads) the same thing, which is considered flood, is against the rules:



    Probably, as always, he will answer saying (furthermore than some insults like "clown" and "cheater", things that also should be moderated and he should receive a warning only because of it), that I have a double post for each account, still not all my threads but I will do in all threads, because are 2 different payment methods and probably also different prices, the threads pinned (with double post) I only talk about PlayerUp Middleman as payment method, in the threads not pinned I talk about the other options, and then maybe some pinned threads have a higher price if the owners want put a different price, is their option, usually will be the same price, but in case that they want publish a minimum price, as the PlayerUp fee is 13% and other methods are 5% or 9%, then to compensate the extra free to be precise with the price probably they will put 50 USD more in the pinned threads, like 900 and 950 USD, so my method is 100% legal and who suggested me this method is @Rolan the moderator, so is correct.

    Furthermore, in my thread about my service to help to sell accounts, I'm requesting a money which basically only can be paid by PlayerUp middleman, as I not talk about any other payment method there to receive my fee as seller, is a service to pay in advance my fee as seller to help them and if they do it they get advantages, like also publish the same thread in other platforms, they have priority in the publication of the account in the lists and the building of the threads, so they avoid the pending list, if I have other taks pending, and the fee is the same, is not added any extra price to get these advantages, so is a service they can pay me.

    @Sorvi is not requesting money for any service, 1 USD is not his fee as seller, so is not legal.

    This guy is always doing these things and if nobody stops him he will never stop and will continue creating threads about the same thing and doing spam and flood. His purpose about this new spam and flood is compensate that I have 3 or 4 times more accounts than him and his visibility is less, but if you want increase your visibility you need follow the rules, is not allowed do extra bumps or publish illegal threads at 1 USD, as also I can do the same and I can bump my threads every 2 seconds publishing a pic and publish 3500 threads at 1 USD with a list of accounts, but it would destroy the forum, so I try to respect the rules, I simply use my 5 bumps per day and nothing more, sometimes only 4, I don't need try to get extra bumps or create illegal threads like him.

    Also @Hulk I remember he has 1 pending warning because of bump his treads publishing a repeated pic, without any text, or because of say "updated" 15 days after the last edition in the first message.
  14. Sorvi

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    hey clown, stop mention my name here, all you can do is to cry here like a girl with ugly attempts to ask for punishment for me. Wake up clown - i didnt do anything wrong , the only one spammer in swgoh forum is you

    i created 1$ thread to show to my clients all my accounts in one place where payment method is ONLY through player up, it doesnt matter what the price of the thread because it doesnt have buy now link so if you could read the thread (or rules) you could understand it but i repeat - all you can do is to cheat inside the game and send fake reports .

    Bye, clown, i hope next time your fake report will be more interesting
  15. OP

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    @Hulk @Ryan @Help @Rolan

    More insults :laughing: This guy not has respect, so shoud receive 1 warning because of the illegal bumps, 1 warning because of the illegal and repeated threads and 1 warning because of the insults.

    3 warnings should be a ban. If not, this is a forum without rules.
  16. OP

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    @Hulk @Ryan @Help @Rolan

    Alo I want say that currently he is almost nothing in the SWGoH forum, as I have 3 or 4 times more accounts for sale than him and will be more soon, soon will be 7 or 8 times, he is not needed to sell SWGoH, so if is banned PlayerUp will continue receiving exactly the same amount of money or more, as my service is much more better, with better threads, better descriptions, better security methods, everything is better, so I can afford get all his 20-30 accounts, add them in my list and create a thread on each one, the new customers will contact me instead of him and their accounts will be sold anyway.

    Maybe Sorvi has been useful for PlayerUp during some time, as was the only seller on the "Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes" forum, but currently with me, I will not stop to do the activity in a near future, I will continue here years and improving my system, very soon starting with other games also, already I sold some of other games (Naruto Online, Marvel Strike Forces, Disney Source Arena, etc.), so the amount of accounts which Sorvi is managing is almost nothing for me, so if some day gets banned, will be the same for PlayerUp, specially because his costumers are mostly Russian, which means that they cannot receive the money by PayPal, as PayPal not works well on Russia, I helped several people there on Russia, between 5 and 10 guys, currently I have several accounts published about Russian players, and more coming, so for them is easier receive the money by Wise, so the buyer, as not have the PayPal 180 days buyer protection, the only way to be protected is use PlayerUp using insurances, probably because of it he is using Middleman more than someone who helps to sell accounts from USA and countries where PayPal works well.

    More than half of these Russian players who I helped to sell their accounts used PlayerUp, I received the money in my Wise and I sent them the money by bank transfer to their bank accounts. I apply a method which assures the owners are not scammers that will try sell the account again or they have it linked in several devices, or at least is 98% safe, the chance to avoid my method and get a scam there is very low or almost null, so I can manage all Russian costumers, get the money by PlayerUp and send them the money by Wise as already I did 3 or 4 times with Russian players, so is not a problem for me help all Russian players of this game to sell their accounts, I will be explaining better in my threads soon how it works for Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Belarus and countries where PayPal not works well, then I recommend the buyers use PlayerUp and I receive the money by Wise, I keep my low fee (from 20 to 30 USD) and I send them the rest. Is a method that works very well and I have been using during more than 1 year and everyone of these countries are happy with it.


    So @Sorvi is not someone who can do that he wants, keep saying "clown", also says "girl" as a bad thing, as I'm a boy not a girl, which is sexist comment, male chauvinist comment say "girl" as a negative thing, very bad thing for the reputation of this forum allow these type of comments, should not be allowed the insults and the male chauvinism in this forum and no forum.

    If this forum was another one, he would be banned since years ago. Well already got banned because of multiple reasons, but unfortunatelly you allowed him be back, which was not a bad movement for the money generation on PlayerUp, but currently he is nothing in this forum, he is a fourth part of my amount of threads and sales and will be much more less soon, so I can affort all his costumers and much more, when he talks he is demonstrating he knows his immunity in this forum to do all he wants without receive no warnings, as he did last time with the illegal bumps, he not received any warning because of it, he can do illegal bumps, publish illegal threads, insults, say male chauvinist comments and nothing happens here, he has immunity, so when he talks we can see his immunity sensation in his language, as it seems he can say all he wants and never will be banned and never will receive a warning.

    He currently is more harming PlayerUp than helping with this attitude. Is generating battles in the forum with constant illegal things like illegal bumps, illegal threads, so is not helping PlayerUp to demonstrate a correct manners, is like to allow a demon in your house, Sorvi from now is not needed for this forum, will not generate more money than me for PlayerUp, I can manage all Russian customers, also if they only talk Russian, as with Google Translator is very easy and the conversations are very short lol already I helped Russian who not talk English or Spanish, so is not a big trouble, I can communicate with them anyway, and if are Chinese or Japanese also I can talk with them using Google Translator, the complete transfer only are few phrases, this is not get a college degree, is only sell an account.

    So from now I think he needs get some moderation, is needed stop his immunity. All he does I can do it at same value and better, so if he not respect the rules he needs be moderated.
    #36 QLC, 10/14/21
    Last edited: 10/14/21
  17. Sorvi

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    you clown is speaking about qty of sales ?! are you serious ?!

    ive made for player up 6000$ within just last 2 weeks and how much did you ? 100 or 200? LOL. 99% of your sales are out of site so shut up and dont even speak about it

    you are small envious clown who gone mad when we found and publish info about your ingame cheating

    of course now you will be doing all you can trying to compete with me : sending countless fake reports , crying like a girl in a disputes, asking for the warnings, spamming the forum etc. Surely he doesnt want to see that BIGGEST SWGOH seller is active on site , thats why he is doing all that s-hit

    you are not the first envious clown who is trying to do it and not the last one of course , so dont stop , its so funny to see how many free time your are going to spend into it

  18. Ryan

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  19. Sorvi

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    interesting to know where did you see a "case" here

    everything is quite visible:

    those clown came here to blame on me for what he is doing by himslelf on a daily basis

    1. Answering to his own threads to bump the thread


    7 replies to own thread , last one was made couple day ago just to bump the thread


    same here


    same here


    same in mostly all of his 100+ threads

    2. Creating lots of threads just to decrease visibility of all other sellers and me especially

    more than 20 of his threads were duplicated with that intention



    After all of this he came here to blame on me that i created 2 threads for 1 account LOL. He cant compete with me even despite he has 110 threads in a SWGOH forum, 110!!!! LOL . He is bumping it all day long trying to make my threads unvisible for clients

    But lets check the results of his activity for PlayerUP:

    during ALL September those clown with 70+ active threads did just 3 sales through PlayerUp
    during 15 days of October with 100+ threads he did just 1 sale through the PlayerUP

    Pretty nice , isnt it ?

    Like i said all his business model is built to make the business out of site , he in convincing clients that player up fees are too high , player up is sending money way too long etc etc

    So after all of this he is so stupid that came here and trying to ask for some actions against me. Nice . His intentions is absolutely clear - he doesnt want to see me on forum, because the majority clients prefer my accounts thanks to best prices and payment through player up, its main reason of all of his dirty actions

    And yes he is well known game cheater, now its open info for all SWGOH community , he did it during last 2 years and didnt even afraid to speak about it and to sell accounts which were created with the help of the cheats . Of course he deleted all the info about cheating from his site but therefore people know the truth already

    you still see a case here ? for me its an ugly attempt of envious clown to do smth against me. you all see lots of such attempts from scammers or other sellers during last 3 years . But im still here and still making huge amount money for playerup and will continue to do it . I simply dont care, those clown can do whatever he wants and send million of fake reports or create million threads - with my team we're laughing everyday on all of his actions . He doesnt know how to do a busness on site and seems like will never know about it
  20. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    Poor guy, didn't saw it as I don't care about your business, I'm the best seller on SWGoH, you are the second, also if you generate more money for PlayerUp :laughing: you generate more because you are Russian and on Russia not works well PayPal. Furthermore, PlayerUp removed PayPal as payment option some months ago. I had a lot of people who wanted pay through PlayerUp, but they can't because PayPal is not avaiable, only by Discord, but Middleman on Discord delays a lot of days to answer a message, sometimes weeks, so is the same big delays. Anyway, I do sales contantly on PlayerUp, 1 week ago 1200 USD for example, previous week another 1100 USD, so taking into account that PlayerUp keeps 13% of this, I'm generating 150 USD per week to PlayerUp :laughing: is not 100% of my business, but is not 1% lol

    You can continue copying my method, as you did with the hoard accounts, where you copied/pasted my text directly in your website :laughing: now you are copying my methods here, you started a list of accounts, I suggested you do it on Discord more than 1 year ago, you started now because you are jealous, and now you are adding the link to the list in the end of the threads. Good for you, I'm OK with it, continue doing it, is the correct thing.

    The bad thing is when you publish 2 times the same thread, with 1 USD price. I can accept you have 1 thread at 1 USD, I think it is not legal, I would like know the @Hulk opinion about have a thread where he not offers any account or service, with 1 USD, to simply do spam of your accounts, but if was me I would accept that, is not a problem for me. The problem is when you do illegal things and you publish 2 times the same thread for the same thing, 2 times the same list to have 10 bumps per day instead of 5, this is not legal or should not be legal.

    I have 2 threads because @Rolan (the moderator) suggested me do it


    Are different things, with different payment methods and sometimes different prices if they want do a reduced price in the thread without MM listing, which is better than not have any thread with a MM listing, previously 25% of my costumers decided not use a MM listing, now 100% of them are using a MM listing thanks to this system that @Rolan suggested, and, furthermore, finally I decided explain the PlayerUp Middleman system in the thread without MM listing, for if they read the post without MM listing they know that exist another post where it has MM listing, so also in the accounts without MM listing I talk about PlayerUp as first payment option, and I talk very well about it and for this reason I do 1000-1500 USD sales per week through PlayerUp lol and will be more very soon because I will start to help in all games, applying the same method, now is 1500 USD per week, but soon will be 5000 USD or 10.000 USD per week, and if they help a little and let the buyers pay through PayPal on PlayerUp and they are faster in the payments (currently not too slow thanks to the Discord VIP service), then it will increase also my sales through the site.

    Have one thread with MM listing and another one without MM listing is a very different thing than have 2 threads without MM listing repeated, duplicated, with exactly the same things and with 1 USD price where you not sell any account or service.

    If Sorvi was banned, logically all sales he is doing on Russian guys I would keep them, I can manage all of them, he has 40 accounts on hold waiting to be published, so he is a lazy guy, not helps everybody, I publish all accounts of people who contact me, usually are published instantly after they contact me, and if the prices are decreased is good for the buyers, to regulate the prices, as I noticed I sell much more accounts when I have 50 accounts for sale than when I had 10, or now with 100 than when I had 20, and the prices are very seemed since years ago, not decreased a lot. So if I keep all his costumers, because got banned, will not be a problem for me manage all of them, and most of them also will use PlayerUp, because then I receive it in my Wise and I can send a bank transfer to the Russian owners, or a Xoom payment also works well, PayPal is not an option there to receive money. I had several Russian costumers and we used this option, the buyer paid by PlayerUp, I received on my Wise and I send a Wise transfer or Xoom to receive cash. Logically he has an advantage on it, as some Russian only talk Russian, some not talk English, so for them is easier communicate with him than me, but the talking in the account transfer is very few, they can use the Google translator and is not a problem, I helped several Russian through Google Translator and worked very well.

    So his amount of sales are not a reason to let him do all he wants, let him do spam publishing duplicated threads and spam threads where he simply talks about his accounts for sale, selling nothing there, bumping threads saying "up" or publishing nonsense answers like "updated", reporting messages with no reason, only to make them not visible in public, inviting friends to the forum only to send me negative fake feedbacks, insulting constantly saying "clown" and saying fake things like "cheater", which is not true, as if was true he would show some proof, like a link, not only a pic he did with Photoshop, as this pic is supposed is from a website, then send the link of that website instead of send edited pics :laughing: I can open Photoshop right now and do the same pic but with Sorvi talking about he loves me, very easy to do, a 8 years guy can do it. I not have any reason to cheat in this game, as basically I only use it to help to sell accounts, I not play it a lot, and when I play it I not use cheats. He doesn't know anything about cheating in SWGoH. I'm an active user helping to get banned the cheaters, as I'm moderator in the "Starting Guide SWGoH" Discord server, with more than 5000 members, the most important server for new players, I help people there to know when the new servers are started and when are started I check there if there is some cheater and I report them, my inbox on EA Forum is full of conversation with CG_Leviathan and CG_LuciffersDaddy about reports to cheaters who later got banned :laughing: now I not reported recently as I have been inactive, but during a lot of months I have been the player who got more cheaters banned, probably soon I will continue with it:


    So he doesn't know anything about cheating on SWGoH, I not have any reason to use cheats, if you use them the account is banned automatically, if you use in Territory Battles, Territory Wars, Grand Arena, the Squad Arena or Fleet Arena, other players notice it and after the report the account is banned. Also I don't need use cheats to complete raids for my hoard accounts, I have a SLKR account since the beginning and in my YouTube channel I have a guide about how to solo the HSTR with SLKR since a lot of months ago :laughing: to complete the challenges in the hoards I add them in my allies with the SLKR account and SLKR can solo it. All hoards put 0 damage in the raid or when are 2 rounds account I use Han Solo to shoot first and get some damage in HPIT and HAAT. Is not possible use cheats in raids, the account is automatically banned. I sold 150 accounts and never a hoard got banned, because they never used cheats, if I not have any negative feedbacks is because all are happy, so you should be very grateful with me, as you learned a new job, you copied my system, and now you are alone with it, as I'm not dedicating time to it, but don't worry, I will be back in few weeks :laughing:

    So if you have some proof I recommend send you a message to CG_Leaviathan or CG_LucifersDaddyMINI like I did tens of times, almost hundreds, because here in PlayerUp you will get nothing, simply you are doing the ridiculous.

    All I want from you is:

    - Stop to publish duplicated threads about the same thing to get extra bumps
    - Stop to publish threads where you not offer any account or service, only for spam
    - Stop to bump messages saying "up", "updated" or publishing another Photoshop pic.
    - Stop reporting messages to make them not visible on public, already I reported it and you will get a warning because of it soon.
    - Stop to invite your Russian friends of your same guild to write negative feedbacks to me.

    And all I want from PlayerUp moderators is:

    - A warning to him about all these things, as @Hulk said him few time ago about stop to bump messages saying "up" and now he did exactly the same thing saying "update" or publishing a pic without any text and not got a warning because of it.

    - Delete his message where he does spam with duplicated threads, are 1 USD threads without any account for sale there or any service there, like me where is possible pay my fee as seller in advance to get priority in the publication of the thread and other extra services, like publication in other platforms, and this fee is subtracted when the account is sold, but as he has a high percentage of the sale, instead of a static fee, he cannot do it lol and his new intertainment is publish duplicated threads. If the moderators like @Rolan @Help or @Hulk allow do it, then is a nonsense, as then I can publish 50 times a same thread also, or which is the limit? as if the limit is 5, then I will publish 5 times all my accounts. I think these type of threads should not be allowed, and if are allowed only should be 1 thread, not 2, 3, 4 or 5 threads of the same thing.



    - Say him stop to insult, he should receive a warning because of it, as also I received one time a warning because of say him is "troll", but he said "clown" tens of times and nothing happens here, has him immunity to insult? and furthermore he keeps saying I'm a cheater without any proof, in any court do that would be against himself, he would receive a penalty because of say something he not has any proof, so if he keeps saying the same thing also should receive a warning.

    I remember this guy got banned a time ago:


    He got banned for multiple reasons and continues creating problems every day.





    And last things are:




    When he got banned he did another account to continue selling and he said was a friend who lives in his own house and for this reason the same IP :laughing::laughing: nobody believe that:



    He was sending negative feedbacks with that account and receiving fake positive feedbacks:


    And more fake feedbacks here:



    And now his new entertainment is:



    Some examples where he did it:







    And publish illegal an repeated threads like:



    He is a non-stop. I never watch he is doing, my bumps are automatic bumps, so I don't care about his activity, I sell enough accounts, currently 1 per day, soon more, to be happy with it, I don't need harm other sellers, do illegal bumps and publish illegal threads and do any other illegal thing like he does constantly.

    He is a guy who will never stop to try to harm other sellers and do all possible things, also if are not legal, to improve his visibility. He needs receive some warning or will never stop.

    If he stops and does like I not exist, I not have any problem, he can continue, but if he not stops to do these things there is not any other way than a perma ban, he is not needed in this site, I can help to sell all accounts he has for sale.
    #40 QLC, 10/31/21
    Last edited: 10/31/21
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