Selling Call of Duty Ghost Preorder Steam Gift Tradable Copy for PayPal $37 or 18 TF2 keys

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    I Have call of Duty Ghost gift (ROW) or rest Over world no restriction means you can activate it in any country you are.

    Looking for PayPal $37 or 18 tf2 keys or Mann co. supply crate keys

    1. Buyer Pay the sending fee

    2. Send as Gift to family and friends

    3. A short NOTE to write on paypal

    Post here first and add me on steam matoy101

    My steam inventory for few game updates Steam Community :: louimar_12

    I have Bioshock Infinite steam tradable copy also for $18 or 9 Tf2 or Mann co. supply crate keys


    Hey, if you can add me on Skype, I might be interested in a copy of ghosts


    sorry this was gone already, sold before and i forgot to closed the topic
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