Selling  Average [Steam Account] New World (Any Region) + email

Discussion in 'New World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HoaxW, 10/13/21.

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  1. HoaxW

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    My Location:
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    Buy Now Link:
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    Upon purchasing you will receive a steam account with New World in it, an email account as well. The game will be fresh (0 hours played) and you will be able to play on any region.

    1. Sign into your newly bought steam account. (If you don't have steam then install it)
    2. Change the email while logged into the provided email.
    3. Receive the verification code in your provided email.
    4. Make sure then to change the password if you haven't already.
    5. (Optional) You can family share the steam account to your main one. Just go to settings>Family, click "Authorize Library Sharing on this Computer" and check your account. Now you will be able to play the game on your main account.

    I'm pretty new here, so just to be safe use the middleman and don't buy from me directly. Thanks :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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