Selling Star Trek Online Account (Standard Digital) Tactical / Escort Spec LT Cmdr+

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    One of the highest ranks in STO right now. VERY well equipped and a great head start for anyone wanting toe play STO.

    I'm not going to be posting too much detail because I am unsure of the demand of STO accounts, although on ebay; the offer I got on the account was $150 -- he told me to set up a Buy it Now (we were on the phone) and as soon as I set up a buy it now, the auction got automatically terminated.

    Either way, i'll post a picture and a few key details and we can go from there, I know the rules of MD and I know that I have low posts, no feedback (in the process of getting TrustWho Verified) although I have been around for awhile and sold a few WoW accounts on MD =)

    I will graciously send all information (and yes I do have all of the information, and then some =)) before payment to a respected MD member without hesitation.

    On to my picture! (If you are a serious and interested buyer, please contact me for more pictures taken of any stat/progress you would like.

    As of that picture;

    [*]Preorder items along with preorder CDKey ready to go

    [*]Original owner, every original email from D2D and Cryptic/STO

    [*]Klingon Faction Unlocked along with an LTR0 Klingon

    [*]Main character has all Mk IV Blues, Best equipped Escort around with many PvP epic loots

    [*]300+ Medals of Bravery (PvP Tokens)

    [*]Month of gametime left

    [*]Will do anything the buyer requests, phone conversation and etcetera

    Character: Lieutenant Commander Rank 5 with a LT CMDR Escort and full Mk IV equipment and weapons for both space and ground.

    Any questions at all feel free to either AIM me (best way to get ahold of me) email me (2nd) or reply to this post which I will try to check atleast once a day.


    "[*]Will do anything the buyer requests, phone conversation and etcetera"

    Bark like a dog...

    Now, hop on one leg...

    ...I'm just wondering what that "phone conversation" will be like. Does it require calling a 1-900 number?

    Sorry, couldn't help myself. [​IMG]


    Just in case I'm too old and some people don't get my joke, it's from the 1980's Eddie Murphy film, "Coming to America". In the beginning, when he makes his wife-to-be act ridiculous.

    Hay, atleast it was a freebump! =)

    By the way; definitely open to negotiations, especially with TWV users =)

    bumpity bump
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