Selling WTB lvl 50 or multiple 50 STO account -- Can also trade very nice WoW / D3 accounts

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    as title says i'm looking to buy a STO account with level 50-50's gear isn't too much of a deal though it never hurts and i will consider it into price either way

    open to all classes and race but pref non Klingon non enginner but hey .. if you have Klingon engy with great gear ill check it out 9)

    will pay $$ but also have

    WoW account =

    plus - 88hunter / 83rouge / 82druid + 5 or so more 70+

    each char has tons of extra stuff lots of gold on account offsets for every 90 blah blah.. u know the drill i put a ton into the account so its good to go 8)

    also have diablo 3 account with max level of everykind and every single character is 200-400k dps spent 100$ of real cash to gear them they can solo i10 with ease and do any farm you know of

    let me know your interest --- and know that i have done many trades before tho i am original owner of the accounts listed above -- i will expect ALL info for the STO account and avalibility to anything i might need incase you wanted to try and take the account back if your not ok with those terms dont offer

    ty for taking the time reading my post 8) have a great day/night all

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