Selling Selling level 50 Romulan Federation with Scimitar/Falchion Dreadnought

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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    Character is a green "unknown" alien with blonde hair and customized standard Romulan Federation uniform

    Ship is a Scimitar, here is the loadout

    Elachi Dual Heavy Crescent Cannons Mk XII [CrtH]x3

    Elachi Dual Heavy Crescent Cannons Mk XII [CrtH]x3

    Elachi Dual Heavy Crescent Cannons Mk XII [CrtH]x3

    Elachi Dual Heavy Crescent Cannons Mk XII [CrtH]x3

    Heavy Crescent Wave Cannon

    Elachi Subspace Torpedo Launcher

    Gravimetric Photon Torpedo Launcher Mk XII

    Experimental Romulan Plasma Beam Array

    Basic hangar


    Console - Universal - Cloaked Barrage

    Console - Zero-Point Energy Conduit

    Console - Tachyokinetic Converter

    Console - Tactical - Disruptor Induction Coil Mk XII

    Console - Tactical - Disruptor Induction Coil Mk XII

    Console - Science - Shield Emitter Amplifier Mk XII

    Console - Universal - Secondary Shields

    Console - Science - Shield Refrequencer Mk XII [+ShHP]

    Console - Universal - Plasmonic Leech

    Console - Engineering - Energy Signature Dampener Mk XII [+ResAll]

    Console - Universal - Proton Particle Stabilizer

    Sets I own:




    +Lone MACO Resillient Shields MK XII, others in progress

    Other ships I own:

    Delta Class Flyer (equipped with omni directional beam array, Obelisk rift warp core)

    Falchion Dreadnought

    Breen Plesh Brek Heavy Raider

    Obelisk Carrier

    Ferengi Na'Far Shuttle

    Support Cruiser

    Danube Runabout

    Dyson Science Destroyer


    Plasma flamethrower type weapon

    Jem hadar ground kit

    Crystal Nanofiber Environmental suit mark XII

    Dyson Heavy Combat Armor

    Sentinel Environmental Suit

    Dyson Experimental Beam Rifle Mk XII

    Dyson regenerative shield mk xII

    6000 dilithium and about 4 million EC, 18000 latinum and 72000 fleet credits

    an excellent crew including a very rare Reman and Very Rare, custom dressed Romulan female science officer with really great traits (superiors)

    9600 accolade points including some hard to get latinum ones

    Very good personnel roster including 56 very rare officers (no Dulmur anymore though)

    4/4 in every commendation category

    Base/guild that is approaching tier 5s

    Bunch of unique quest items like the ophidian cane, triolic pattern enhancer, Nukara and Dyson tribbles

    I'm hoping for about $45, please send offers to [email protected] /* */





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