Selling lvl 50 STO account with TONS of extras

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hail all star trek fans. I am selling my STO account which consists of: (2) level 50 Vice Admiral Characters (Engineer and tactical), Fleet assault battle cruiser (only obtainable via a FLEET...HONEYBADGER), Exploration Cruiser Retrofit (Z-store-Saucer Section ability), Odyssey star cruiser, Patrol Escort (Tactical ship-cost 120,00 Dilithium). I have spent most of my time as the Engineer lately and have all the Reputation systems completed except for the Undine (started but incomplete). I have 4.5mil energy credits, 400 lobi crystals, 190k Dilithium, 90K Fleet credits, Complete set of fleet weapons! (Disruptor) and ALL consoles, a Plasmonic Leech console and Graviton Puklse generator (both RARE), a borg officer in BOTH characters (I call her "7 of 9"...:P), etc. I have MANY items in my banks, I cannot go into all I have here. Again I am part of a Tier 5 fleet which is EXTREMELY active and best in the game, hands down. I can send screen shots of all of my items. Note this is NOT a lifetime account. Pm if interested.


    how much for the account ??

    Originally Posted by Quality_Control

    how much for the account ??

    Not sure, the account has so much extras that it is, in my opinion, comparable to the accounts on, PlayerUp, etc., that are between $200 and $300. I am asking $125.00 or Best offer. e-mail me at matthewallie "at" hotmail . com for screen shots of both profiles. I now currently have 161K dilithium (engineer account), 43k dilithium (Tactical account), 5.1 million EC, 3 Very rare bridge officers currently unassigned, ALL rare bridge officers already assigned in Engineering account, I have completed the Engineering, Science, Developmental commendation assignments (am close to the Diplomatic!) which allows you to replicate Very rare officers. I have multiple duty officers that have cost me over 10 million EC easy (all rare duty officers currently assigned to space duty including the Reverse shield polarity duty officer extending it by 8 seconds....OP!). I have other perks but can show you screen shots and get into more detail if you e-mail me.

    have sent e mail .. ;-)
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