Selling WTS Vanguard SOH, LOTRO Beta, and Rappelz online Account

Discussion in 'Rappelz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    Vanguard Saga of Heros account :

    The account has a mount. Decent gear. The dreadknight is most of the way to level 12 and has 20 silver and a stack of copper ingots. The craft is blacksmith with 100+ harvesting [jute and cotton] and 100+ mining [copper and tin] ( a great moneymaker!). The account has 2 10 slot Jute Bags, 1 12 slot Jute bag. The account also has an ingame gift available of horseshoes or fireworks which haven't been claimed yet. The account has until March 3, 2007, before you will need to start paying monthly.

    * I recently bought this account, but my computer cant play it, I get like 5 FPS, so I want to sell it.

    Looking to get $50 for it

    Lord of the Rings Online Shadow of Angmar Full beta account :

    I signed up for beta testing almost 2 years ago, and just a couple weeks ago, got an invitation to stress testing, then I was upgraded to a full beta access member. Account has only a level 1 Minstrel on it.

    Looking to get $35

    Rappelz Online account :

    I have been playing this game for about 3 months now, but I need the money so am selling it. It is on the Tortus server, the main character is a lvl 62 Strider, Job level 50, with all skills maxed, and good gear, also comes with 67 million rupee, which you can buy pretty much anything with.

    Looking to get $250

    I will only accept Verified Paypal users, or Western Union if you want to pay the service fees they charge~For the Rappelz account, I would be willing to lower price to $220 if you pay through Western Union.

    You can contact me through PM or through these IM services;

    AIM= Azuredeath88

    MSN= [email protected] /* */

    Or Email= [email protected] /* */


    sold an account to cupspeaker recently. Fast, Reliable, Verifiable trade. Would do business with him agin.

    Bump, im going to a concert in LA on the 23rd so I could reallly use the cash.

    Willing to sell Vanguard account for $45

    Lord of the rings online full beta member for $20

    and Rappelz online account for $200

    *if you look on any gold selling site, rappelz gold is going for like $4-10/million, so what im selling it at+the character and gear, is really worth it if you like this game.

    Bump, all are still available.

    bump, no one interested?.. =(



    With the concert in just 3 days. I am lowering prices.

    Vanguard $44, exactly how much I paid for it

    LOTRO beta account $15

    Rappelz Online account $150

    bump. These are pretty cheap prices.

    Bump. Also willing to trade Lord of the rings online beta account for a Granado espada closed beta account.


    LOTRO Beta account has been traded for a Granado Espada closed beta account from Zelpher and is no longer available. Thank you Zelpher for youre trade.

    Your LOTR account isnt working for the Closed beta client and it only works for the forums. I really need to contact you asap .

    If you guys are in talks with him i would say hold on all of that before i get this [censored] ironed out.

    It has been resolved, sorry for the trouble Zelpher, I forgot to give him the turbine account info, because I hardly played the beta account and forgot you need that to log in. Sorry again for the trouble, I am enjoying the GE account you traded me, thanks.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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