Selling Trading my runescape account for Rappelz rupees or items (Bapho server)

Discussion in 'Rappelz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    Ill post most of the runescape details here, but im looking to trade the account for some gold or Items. Im expecially interested in fresh WDs or a buttload of empty souls/wd/cerb cards. But im very flexible and am open to offers or negotiations. If you have any questions about the RS account or want to discuss terms just send me a msg on skype for fastest reply.

    Skype- Kiera.Williams77.

    It doesnt really have any valuables or gold left on it. Some seasonal/event/bound stuff like Warpriest armor set, Quite a bit of Bonus XP for several skills, Decent across the board levels, Some cosmetic overides and pets unlocked, as well as unused Loyalty points and some runecoins. Also has some membership time left ~ a month. Oh and it does have a Dragon pickaxe and hatchet in the toolbelt (i can provide a screenshot of that if you wish to make sure just ask, i dont wana load this post down with screenies xD)

    First heres a screenshot of the stats and membership time as well as unused currency:

    Okay, now here is a list of all the bonus experience that is saved up:

    Atk- 74k, Def- 17k, Range- 31k, Prayer- 154k, Magic- 145k, Construction- 34k, Constitution- 272k, Agility- 236k, thieving- 3k, Crafting- 310k, fletching- 211k, slayer- 3k, mining- 152k, smithing- 124k, cooking- 12k, Farming- 14k, summoning- 45k.

    And the cosmetic overides/pets unlocked:

    Full Feline, Skypouncer and wolf costumes.

    Cosmetic weapons unlocked are- Brutal mace, Sword of edicts, Valkarie spear, Orcish claws, Orcish wand, Orcish throwing axes, Orcish shield, Brutal crossbow.

    Animations unlocked- Strongarm mining, Strongarm woodcutting, Strongarm Burial, Explosive firemaking, Bomb firemaking, Zen rest, and Gnome air teleport.

    I also have Dragon wolf and mimic pets unlocked, and the Divine gaze (white avatar looking eyes) unlocked.

    the name change has not been used so you can just change the name of the character to whatever you wish as long as you have the account before the date the membership expires next month.

    Edit- Screenshot link if you need to see it bigger



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