Selling Rappelz 160 BM, 155 VM, 153 Magus, 150 cardi all on same acount on naga server US

Discussion in 'Rappelz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    hi im looking to sell my rappelz account on naga server as i have met all my goals and would like to move to a new game

    the account is very high profile and well known as one of if not the strongest PvP Beast Masters on the server so you may want to buy a character name change they are about 4 bil each on naga server currently.. very well equipped with pets, weapons, armors, and skill cards for the beastmaster

    the account contains a huge number of items so i shall just name the important stuff such as belt pets equips ect


    Lv 160 Beast Master

    Lv 155 Void Mage

    Lv 153 Magus

    Lv 150 Cardinal

    Lv 90 Knight (used as merchant)

    Lv 1 guide (used as card slave)


    Lv 160 Death Tyrant

    Lv 160 Ifrit

    Lv 155 Ifrit Stage 3

    Lv 160 White Dragon

    Lv 154 Blue Pixie Stage 5

    Lv 151 Joker

    Lv 90 Hawkman Stage 5 (have 3 of them)

    Lv 90 Kentauros (have 2)

    Lv 90 skeleton Stage 4 (have 2 of them)

    Lv 90 Yeti Stage 5 (have 2 of them)

    Lv 90 Siren Stage 4 (have 4 of them)

    Lv 90 Ice Maiden ( have 2 of them)

    Lv 90 Nightmare Stage 4

    Lv 90 Nightmare Stage 3

    Lv 90 Unicorn (have 2 of them)

    Also a large number of fresh and low lvl pets


    Lv 160 Ruthless Summoner Armor +20 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 160 Ruthless 1 Hand Axe +20 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 150 Feral MC 1 Hand Axe +20 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 160 Ruthless Boots +8 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 160 Ruthless Gloves +8 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 160 Summoner Helm +10 (cash shop item) (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 155 Summoner Helm +6 (cash shop item) (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 160 Devouring Boots +8(teardrop stoned)

    Lv 160 Devouring Gloves +7(teardrop stoned)

    Lv 155 Devouring Summoner Armor +20(teardrop stoned)

    Lv 155 Ruthless 1 Hand Axe +20 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 155 Sprightly 1 Hand Axe +20 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 155 Ruthless Boots +7 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 155 Ruthless Gloves +9 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 155 Devouring boots +3

    Lv 155 Devouring Gloves +3

    Lv 155 Devouring 2 Hand Staff +20 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 150 Ruthless 2 Hand Staff +20 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 155 Ruthless 2 Hand Mace +20 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 150 Zealous Warrior Armor +20 (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 155 +17 Devouring Warrior Armor (teardrop stoned)

    Lv 150 Wicked Magician Armor +20

    Lv 150 Magician Helm +3(cash shop item)

    Lv 155 Magician Helm +3 (cash shop item)

    Lv 155 Ruthless Magician Armor +7

    Lv 100 Sprightly 2 Hand Staff +20

    Lv 120 Ruthless Belt with 6 slots

    Lv 150 Diabolical Belt with 6 slots

    Lv 155 Ruthless Belt with 6 slots

    Lv 150 Endairon Belt with 6 slots (accessories included)

    Lv 150 Rakashi Belt with 6 slots (accessories included)

    Massive range of accessories such as rings, necklace, earing ect for ALL builds and classes aswell as equips for lower level alts. Running gear is also provided on each of the 150+ characters

    Skill Cards

    Gettin late now so il just giv the basics lol to tired to type every card 2day

    Beast master has nothing below +5 on skill cards most are +6 or higher

    Voidmage is average with mostly +3-+4 skill cards

    Magus is average with +3-4 skill cards although it does have a cpl +5 cards

    Cardinal need attention not really any skill cards to mention on it

    Card slave has over 10k cards from what i can work out so making skill cards for the characters shud never be a problem

    i will possibly update the list tommorow or when i next check this post

    Please post any offers or buyout is 500 dollars price can be negotiated



    hi, i want to buy some gold.if you have now,pls contact me [email protected] /* */

    Hello?still buy it?anyone here?

    Yo i want to buy ur account or trade for my acc in that other if i have it please contact me in Facebook. as soon u see thes msg i pay well , search for [email protected] /* */ in Facebook. ull find me name Ahmad Grefat ronaldo pic in green

    Still for sale?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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