Selling Planetside 2 Priority/Early Access Beta Keys - $27 each

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    I have a few Priotiry/Early Access Beta keys for Planetside 2 for sale. Each of these can be used at PlanetSide 2 PC Game - Massive Combat on an Epic Scale that'll give you instant access to the beta which should be coming out this week.

    I accept PayPal, I am verified since 2006. I've been selling around on other various places in the past and can link my rep if you need it.

    Please send me a PM or post below and we can work something out. Thanks.


    I have reduced the price to only $25 each. I still have 2 keys left.

    ---------- Post added 06-26-2012 at 03:25 PM ----------

    I only have 1 key left for $27.

    Interested but is this different than the keys they are handing out on twitter?

    Originally Posted by kirik

    Interested but is this different than the keys they are handing out on twitter?

    I sent you a PM with my contact details if you're interested.

    Still available.

    kanegz, please check your PM. I have sent a reply to you.

    Still 1 left.

    I still have 1 left.

    I have one left. I'd like $28 for my last key (It's the exact amount I need for something). Sorry, I couldn't edit the first post.

    Still here.

    I'll take it. PMed you a message.

    Add me on Skype.
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