Selling For Sale: PlanetSide 2 Priorit Access Beta Key

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    The beta key gets you instant access to the game, dont waste time trying to get a key when you can get it right here for just $20 through paypal. The key is unused, so you can add it to any station account, no worries about someone taking their account back when you have the actual key. The game is about a 8gb download(incase you have a bandwidth limit)

    Contact me through PMs if you're interested. Thanks


    bump i still have 1 more key available, act quick though.

    Originally Posted by TatsuKaji

    bump i still have 1 more key available, act quick though.

    I will take it

    K that was my last key, . if I get anymore in i'll give this post a bump
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