Selling WTS/WTT PS2 account BR

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    Located on the NA server: Waterson

    Main character is TR, BR 39

    Bought weapons include:

    Infiltrator: SOAS-20, m770b, RAMS 50., HSR-1, SMG-Armstice, KSR-35, TSAR-42.

    Light Assault: Trac5s, Haymaker, SMG-Armstice.

    Medic: NS-11 Platinum, Cycler TRV, Sabr-13, SMG-Armstice, Haymaker.

    Engineer: Trac5s, Haymaker, SMG-Armstice.

    Heavy Assault: t-16 rhino, TMG-50, MSW-R, Haymaker, SMG-Armstice, T7-Mini Chain gun.

    Mosquito: All cannons, AA missiles and rockets. Certed into hover airframe and armor.

    Liberator: Tank buster and dalton are both worth mentioning. Not a ton of certs put into this one tbh.

    Tons of stuff certed out. I am open to both trades and direct sale. I have made a few recent trades and sales on this site, so I have some references. Skype me if you want more details: jesusgirl1995.


    Bumping. I am still open to trades or sale for as low as $25.
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